A few "personal" questions...

on 7/14/12 5:40 am
Okay, I CAN answer #3....the one about reactive hypoglycemia...a condition I have had for over 20 years. It hasn't gotten any better or worse since my DS. One thing tho, you have to eat about 6-8 "meals" a day focusing on protein. I've been doing that for years, and it helps keep my blood sugars reasonably steady.

IF it keeps up, a trip to an endo might be in order as RH is actually their balliwick, not the bariatric surgeon's.


Duodenal Switch (Lap) 01-24-11 | Surgeon: Stephen Boyce | High weight: 250 in 2002 | Surgery weight: 203 | Lowest weight: 121 | Current weight: 135 | Goal weight: 135


on 7/14/12 6:32 am - Houston area, TX
Yes, I  used to get hypoglycemia sometimes before any wls at all, but I don't think it was after eating, I really can't remember.  I don't get it every day, and am not  sure which meals trigger it, but DO know that have eaten at least 30 gms protein in the meal.  Like a chicken breast.
on 7/14/12 9:08 am - AL
I could est the bun but it would give me gas and slow down weight loss so I order sandwiches emwithout bread. I take vites six times a day. I can eat potatoes but lint them like I limit all carbs.

J G.
on 7/14/12 1:22 pm
1.  If you were to eat a chicken breast sandwich, could you eat the bun?  No problem with chicken breasts.  Always eat them smothered in mayo or cheese.  But a bun would kill me

2.  Can you eat potatoes?  Love 'em.  Loaded with butter, cheese and bacon or ham.

3.  I have had reactive hypoglycemia since my sleeve...Will that get worse or stay the same? DK

4. I sometimes get diarrhea now after a meal.  Do you think this would get worse after the switch, and is it mostly caused by simple carbs  (sugar?) after the switch?  I used to have IBS and diarrhea problems.  Since my DS things are much better.

5. How many times a day do most of you take your vitamins?  6  is how I have my current set up going.  Two of those are during the night...occasionally I pare that down
on 7/15/12 6:51 am, edited 7/15/12 6:52 am - Caledonia, MI
DS on 03/12/12
Hi there, try to remember that everyone is different with what they can/cannot tolerate.  So you never quite know how your body will feel until after you have the surgery, but this is my take on your questions...

1.  No.  I don't eat bread if I can help it.  I am just over 4 months out and have had bread maybe a handfull of times.  But, if I have a chicken sandwich, no, I'd pitch the bun.  Chicken seems to bother my stomach more then that of beef or pork, I am starting to push away from it.

2. Yes, you can at potatoes.  However, I find them VERY filling and it's all carb, so I don't bother with them.  Maybe a bite here or there of french fries, but it's very very rare for me.

3.  I honestly don't know.

4.  I have not had a "solid" bowel movement in 4 months.  Not diarreha, but very soft.  It will become more like diarrhea if you eat too much sugar.  I get very gassy and bloated if I eat too much sugar.

5.  I break up my vites/supplements into 3-4 doses during the day.  However, if I miss or forget a dose, I add it onto the next.  Usually just a multivitamin or calcium pill.

HW: 404/ SW: 380/  GW: 155


on 7/16/12 3:40 am - polarbears&igloos, AK
  1.  If you were to eat a chicken breast sandwich, could you eat the bun?
I would rather not eat the bun, it is uncalled for amounts of carbs and I would do better without it. I usually take one side of the bun off and leave one on. I love chicken.

2.  Can you eat potatoes?
Yes I can, and I do. Like someone said above, with LOTS of butter and whatever else is filled with fat that tastes good.

3.  I have had reactive hypoglycemia since my sleeve...Will that get worse or stay the same?
I use to have hypoglycemia, but since my DS it has not bothered me.

4. I sometimes get diarrhea now after a meal.  Do you think this would get worse after the switch, and is it mostly caused by simple carbs  (sugar?) after the switch?  
Most likely, simple carbs will be a monster on your system and usually when your new out of surgery you will have bouts of diarrhea no matter what you eat. Its just your body trying to adjust. 

5. How many times a day do most of you take your vitamins?  
I take mine 6 times a day. You get use to it eventually. 

      Hello, my name is Jessica  I'm 20 and I got my DS!! check out my page. 
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on 7/16/12 3:44 am - CA

I am almost 3 years out.

I don't think I have all of the typical experiences of a DSer but I could eat a chicken breast sandwich with the bun.  I might eat 3/4 of it at first and then eat the rest a few minutes later.  I do prefer dark meat though.  I agree that extra mayo would help though. 

I can eat potatoes but french fries give me horrible bloating and gas.  Red potatoes are the least.  I still eat both but I keep in mind the consequences. 

I don't have diarrhea following any meals.  I don't think the cause and effect is that quick with me.  I might the next day but I rarely go more than once or twice a day. 

I can eat much more than other DSers I know.  I am about 10-15 lbs heavier than my goal weight but I know that is due to many poor food choices.  I eat chocolate and ice cream way too much (daily).  It's something I need to work on more diligently and I believe I will get to goal if I reign in the carbs and sugar.  I am 95% happy with my weight despite being higher than I can be.  I feel that I am not restricted much on what I can eat and for once in my life it feels good.  I want to enjoy it for just a bit longer before I have to place diet restrictions on myself again. 

I take vitamins 4 times per day.

I believe I had/have blood sugar reactions.  I haven't been diagnosed with it before but I would experience dizziness, shaking and extreme aggitation when I had gone without food.  I still have it but it has improved only slightly. 


on 7/17/12 1:38 am - Flagstaff, AZ
I'm almost one year out (8/10 will be my anniversary) and here are my experiences:

1.  If you were to eat a chicken breast sandwich, could you eat the bun?  Depends on the size of the sandwich.  If it was a small one from Chik Fil A, maybe.  Usually I don't eat bread.  It was a MAJOR binge food for me pre-surgery.  Once I had two pieces of sourdough toast and I had the worst case of the farts in my life!

2.  Can you eat potatoes?  Again, only if they're small.  I won't eat the size of potato I ate before the DS.  I'll often get one of the smaller white potatoes (a little bigger than a golf ball) and then I load it up on butter, cheese, sour cream, bacon, etc.  I don't do this often though.  I stay away from carbs as much as possible, even complex ones.

3.  I have had reactive hypoglycemia since my sleeve...Will that get worse or stay the same? Honestly I have no idea regarding this.  Sorry.

4. I sometimes get diarrhea now after a meal.  Do you think this would get worse after the switch, and is it mostly caused by simple carbs  (sugar?) after the switch?  I used to have diahrreha a lot before the surgery because I ate like total sh*t.. lots of volume, high fat, high carb, etc.  After the DS, the only way I get diarrhea is if I eat a meal with a lot of carbs in it (sometimes I get in a snit and have mac n' cheese for dinner and then spend the night in the bathroom).

5. How many times a day do most of you take your vitamins?  I take my vitamins 4x a day.  I do a small batch in the morning, then larger batches in the mid day and evening, with a small batch at bedtime.  I mostly follow Vitalady's regimen but I've tweaked it somewhat for my own indivudal lab results.

And if I may offer one piece of advice and I might be completely wrong so forgive me, but it seems like you are trying to find a WLS that will allow you to still eat a lot of the things that might have got you fat in the first place (simple carbs).  With any surgery, you have to completely change that mindset.  Sure, I still occasionally crave bread and butter or ice cream.  And sometimes I indulge and pay the price.  But for the most part, my cravings for those sorts of things completely went away.  You may think "oh I could never live life without eating potatoes or the bun of a sandwich" but you'd be SURPRISED how much that doesn't bother you after you get used to not eating them on a regular basis.  I thought I would die without eating pasta and rice.  I don't think I've had more than a cup of either in the entire last year, and I really don't care.  I love my DS and more importantly, I'm down 183lbs (as of today) in less than a year.  You CAN'T beat those results!!!

Good luck, and I'm very glad to see you are researching your surgery options.  :)

on 7/17/12 5:54 pm
I had the DS 5 years ago.

1. Depends on the day. Some days I can eat more than others,,,given enough time, I can eat anything.  I normally pick pieces of the bun off - I could eat it but It is not that tastey so I choose not to eat all of the bread.

2. All the time. I gave them up for the first year b/c I knew they were my weakness...should have never started eating them again. Restrict the carbs as much and as long as possible. I had no potatoes, rice, pasta, bread, soda/candy for a year. They make you gain and bloat.

3. I don't know.  Things seem to get better with time but I really don't know.

4. Very soft poopy is normal. Urgency feeling will get better with time.

5. 1-2 times

Minus 202 pounds; Height=5'10.5; Plastic Surgery = arms; Pant: 24 to 4/6; Top 3x to sm/med, I My DS! .

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