Since so many of us are seem to run into stubborn doctors who feel we don't need all those labs on the VL recommended list & in many cases don't write them for us, it occurred to me we need something in writing to help pursuade them.
I will contact VL too (tho I know she is ill) but I also wanted to throw it out there to see if we can get a few others willing to throw out some arguments justifying WHY we DS'ers need all those labs taken. I know my doctor seems resentful of my repeated requests as she feels she knows more about labs than me or VL.
I don't mind doing the letter but don't have the knowledge about it all myself so if there is anyone more knowledgeable who wants to participate on this project, let me know . . I for one need to work up some irrefutable arguments and details about why each thing is on the list beyond what she thinks is necessary is important.
I will contact VL too (tho I know she is ill) but I also wanted to throw it out there to see if we can get a few others willing to throw out some arguments justifying WHY we DS'ers need all those labs taken. I know my doctor seems resentful of my repeated requests as she feels she knows more about labs than me or VL.
I don't mind doing the letter but don't have the knowledge about it all myself so if there is anyone more knowledgeable who wants to participate on this project, let me know . . I for one need to work up some irrefutable arguments and details about why each thing is on the list beyond what she thinks is necessary is important.
I think the "Conversation with your PCP" letter in the really covers most of this information already so I am going to recopy that and keep it in my file when it's lab time. I gave it to my PCP over 1-1/2 years ago . .in case anyone else needs to do the same . .that is where you can find it . .
well mine sends hers through an internal mail system so she types it in & I don't see it and as she types it in she tells me why certain things are meaningless based on other things on the labs etc etc and I have no ammunition against it. After I get the labs I will have a list of the ones missed and try to find out why each one is needed for a DS'er and get more labs. I asked for a referral to a hemotologist but she didnt want to give it & then suggested I go to the nearest center of excellence in Flagstaff to a doctor there for follow up. Well I talked to the one DS'er I know of there and she says he won't do all the labs she requests from the VL list either, saying they are also unnecessary. So I am still working on it . . .
DS on 05/24/12
Have you asked your surgeon to write that letter? He can state the obvious issue. Malabsorbtion!