Having my DS on 6/27/12 What do I need?? Advice??

on 6/14/12 4:38 am - NY
DS on 06/27/12
Hi everyone. I am having my Ds on 6/27. I'd love any ideas on what I should have at home for my first few weeks? What vitamins? (I'm already stockpiling but I'd love to hear what other people think) . Also when was your first trip to the store post DS? What was your first few days home like? Thank you all!!! Desi
Today I am me, as I will be tomorrow, just an improved version.    
Julie R.
on 6/14/12 5:50 am - Ludington, MI
 First, the hospital.  Bring some chapstick, pajama bottoms, and some sturdy soled slippers.  You're going to be walking the floors a lot.  Moving helps you heal faster.  You'll want something to keep your ass from hanging out the back of your gown.   You're lips are going to be very dry after surgery.   You'll need the chapstick for that.

At home, don't go too crazy on buying huge tubs of protein powder, because you might find that they give you lots of gas or other distress and then you have this huge tub sitting there staring you in the face.   Vitalady has sample packs you can try, or just get a small tub.  I've had the best luck toleratingi Designer Whey and Syntrax Nectar, but it varies from person to person, truly.

What are your surgeon's dietary guidelines for your first few weeks?   

My first trip to the store post-DS was the day I got home from the hospital, at three days out.   I felt pretty darn good.   I went to Walmart the fourth day.   My first week or so at home, I alternated between putzing slowly around the house, going for short walks and resting.   I went on a 4.5 hour trip to Detroit at six days out.   I didn't drive.  I just made sure I stopped a couple of times.   I went back to work at 2.5 weeks out, teaching music, but took a nap every day when I got home. By six weeks post-op, I felt pretty normal, but to this day, I find I go to bed earlier.  Not sure why!

Recoveries vary greatly from person to person.    Some people feel lousy till six weeks, others don't.   
Julie R - Ludington, Michigan
Duodenal Switch 08/09/06 - Dr. Paul Kemmeter, Grand Rapids, Michigan
HW: 282 - 5'4"
SW: 268
GW: 135
CW: 125

Janine P.
on 6/14/12 7:40 am - Long Island, NY

Definitely start looking for a protein powder you like now - I suggest Syntrax Nectar Sweets Chocolate Truffle or Strawberry Mousse.  I like them with water or almond milk.

In the hospital, Yes - chapstick.  You won't be able to sip a thing until you take your leak test the day after surgery.  So nothing - most hospitals don't even allow ice chips.  I prefer Blistex over chapstick because it's moister, but whatever you like best.  Definitely bring a very loose drawstring pair of jammie pants.  While lapping the nurses station, you don't want your coolie hanging out to flash the other patients.

At home, you're going to want some protein powder but again, don't go nuts until you're 100% positive you love the flavor you've got.  My surgeon allowed mushies right out of the hospital - not liquids.  So for me, I had yogurt, sugar free pudding, cottage cheese, etc.  You're going to wan****er. That annoying phrase "Sip sip sip" is true.  If you get dehydrated, you are 1) going to be in more pain,  2) going to get heart palpitations,  3) get dizzy,  4) feel like death warmed up.  Make sure you drink water any chance you get.  If you can tolerate sugar free powerade or something, go for that, but the sweetness of the powerade was too much for me so I couldn't do it.

My first trip to the store was about 4 days after I came home from the hospital (so about 8 days post-op).  One of my incisions was infected so my first two weeks at home was pure hell but that's only because of my incision.  Other than that, I was in good shape. 

Best of luck!!!


Janine   Me on Youtube 


on 6/14/12 11:22 am - NY
DS on 06/27/12
So chapstick is a must lol! I will definatly remember that. What vitamins did you take those first few weeks?
My surgeons office, like many, does not give alot of info relating to the DS. The office is more RNY oriented. I have a small stockpile of vitamins, but I am not sure what to take the first few weeks. should I get chewables?
Today I am me, as I will be tomorrow, just an improved version.    
on 6/14/12 11:51 pm
Are you already taking vitamins? If not, start!

I ddn't take the really big pills (like calcium) immediately post-op---my surgeon's goal was for me to be taking them all by the time I was a month out, and I had no problem doing this. I never used chewables.

You might want to take a small fan to the hospital with you, or at least check beforehand to see if they'll supply you with one. Immeditely post-op, I was sweltering---and I had my DS in December. I hear a lot of folks talk about this, so I don't think it was just me. Maybe it's a reactio to the anesthesia or something---because by the time I was a month out, I was FREEZING. And still, 8+ years later, my feet are cold ALL THE TIME. (Invest in wool socks---they're worth it. *grin*)
on 6/16/12 3:18 am - NY
DS on 06/27/12
 Hi, I'm taking calcium,D3 and a multi. Should I start my post op vit routine now?
on 6/15/12 12:50 am - Battle Creek, MI
DS on 06/25/12
Nasal spray as well...even if its from the dollar store...so true about drying out after surgery...a bit help along with the chapstick...

HW-307, SW-286, LW-185, CW-226.5

Sandra C.
on 6/15/12 3:23 pm, edited 6/16/12 10:40 am - Kalamazoo, MI
 Stash some cases of bottled water around the house, like your bedroom, living room and kitchen, so no excuses for siping lots of water. My taste changed for everything. Nothing tasted right- very metalic for a month or so. It was easier to drink warm protein soups rather than eat any kind of food for the first weeks. The protein beef and chicken broth went down smoothest. I ordered it on line- Diet Direct, Bariatric Choice, and Grand Health Partners Store. The chewable vitamins can be ground up in a protein juice drink mix. I found it easier to drink my vitamins. GHP has protein shake vitamin mix in a tub, several flavors.

Hospital musts- walk in the hospital slipper tread socks, easier to ballance  in than slippers those first trips down the halls. I liked a small lap blanket for the on again/off again chills from the air conditioning.  Pull on stretchy P.J. pants, with high waist band rising just below your chest above the lap cuts.  Small pillow for the car ride home to go under the seat belt. I wasnt in long enough to use a book, or computer. Sleep, walking, sipping, T.V.-- all I did for the 3 days I was there. The handiest thing I brought was a 9"x12" draw string bag for my chap stick, comb, glasses, note pad, pen..... Having it  all contained on the bed was easier than chasing all the little things around the bed side table, and reaching for them with IV lines holding me back !!!

At home, I was walking the big stores supported by the shopping cart, about 3-4 days out. I was told to be able to drive, you must be able to turn around to look over both shoulders for traffic. At 2 weeks out I was walking 3 large stores a day, and walking my 50 lb dog, who loves to chase squirrels with me on the other end of the leash !!!  ;-)

View more of my photos at ObesityHelp.com

Duodenal Switch- lap
Dr. Paul. Kemmeter Grand Rapids, Mi.
Dr. John  Renucci, Plastics, Body contouring,Grand Rapids, Mi.
Start 255/ Surgery wt 235/ Current wt. 117

BMI-20, 135 lbs lost, 5'3"


on 6/16/12 3:19 am - NY
DS on 06/27/12
 I like that idea, I'm going to start stashing!!! 
on 6/16/12 3:22 am - NY
DS on 06/27/12
 I love this place! These ideas are awesome. I'm off to buy Chapstick, bottled water and protein soup. Can I cut my calcium in half for those first few days out ? 
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