Why me?

on 6/11/12 9:49 am - Perkasie, PA
 I just don't get why I am having so many issues.  So I turned 40 last Monday and was starting to feel really good the week before, at 5 weeks out.  Then last week I started feeling yucky and each day it got worse and now I am throwing up or trying all the time to keep it down.  YUCK.  Not only that but Friday my entire body was swollen, worst was my feet and legs but really my hands and midsection were puffy too, so my mother convinced me to call the surgeons office, of course because I used to swell before surgery my NP didn't want to say it was from the surgery pre-se.  She was like what did your PCP say and I was like I called you first, of course she was like if he doesn't want to see you then off to the ER you must go as it could be....scare tissue in stomache causing the nausea and vomiting or an ulcer.  The swelling concerned her cause it was all over...could be your heart or lungs.  Great.  So long story boring I called my PCP and he did want to see me, heart and lungs sounded fine, but he was concerned with swelling so put me on a low dose of a water pill but I was to get bloodwork right away as it can tank your potasium levels, which of course today I got the call for that.  It is extremely low and I am to come off the water pill right away.  UGH major frustration I tell ya.  Guess I am back to calling my surgeons office tomorrow and see what can be done.  I am taking a high ADEK multi vitamin but it doesn't list potassium.  Great now what?  i can barely get any food in me as I should be able to eat soft foods and am mostly eating foods high in protein cause I am so concerned about those levels.  I am lucky if I can get 1 tablespoon of any one thing.  I am having a super hard time with the protein shakes so I ordered a bunch of samples from vitalady, the nectar brand as my one NP suggested them.  Nice in the fact that you only need 2 a day and they make tons of flavors and you mix it with 4oz of water so it isn't much to get down but damn the smell of protein just upsets my new tummy so much and once it hits the stomache pouch it is even worse and I am praying and swearing at the same time.  Any more advice I gladly need and want it.  Thanks!
on 6/11/12 11:14 am, edited 6/11/12 11:14 am - Palmer, AK

Here is a good link whi*****ludes pics...... You can substitute with decaf.  TRY IT with any chocolate protein you may have!!!!!!!!


RNY 2/26/2002                           DS 12/29/2011
HW 317                                     SW 263 BMI 45.1
SW 298                                     CW 192 BMI 32.9~60% EWL
LW 151 in 2003  
TT 4/9/2003

Normal BMI 24.8 is my GOAL!!!







GBP (RNY) 2/26/02 298 lbs, TT 4/9/03 151 lbs, DS 12/29/11
HW 317 SW 263 BMI 45.1/CW 192 BMI 32.9/GW 145 ~ Normal BMI 24.8
**Revision Journey started 3/2009 Approved 12/12/11**

on 6/11/12 12:24 pm - Selkirk, Canada
DS on 06/14/12
 First off folow doctors advise.  Ovaltine has potassium, bananas maybe you can mash them.  i also find if I drink tea (red rose) I loose lots of water.  ask your doctor or nut if these might help. Good luck I hope you feel better soon.
Dr. Jamie Ponce de Leon - Medical guide Laurie Wolf Received money Never showed up - Only thing booked were flights.  Surgeon and Medical team, and hospital were awesome .  There is another Medical guide named Trish she is good.  PM me for info.    
on 6/12/12 12:46 am - bay area, CA
At 5 weeks out, you should be having less problems eating, not more. It sounds like your surgeon's staff is doing too good of a job protecting him, and he really needs to know what's going on and address this. It could be stricture (not common with the DS but they do happen) or an ulcer. Bottom line, it isn't something your pcp can address.

regarding the potassium, if your potassium is "extremely low" you will need potassium supplements to fix it - this is little to no potassium in vitamin pills, and not enough in foods to fix this, even if you could eat a lot of potassium rich foods, which at the moment, you can't. This is something your pcp could prescribe for you.

Call the surgeon's office again. Insist on being seen. Either that, or head in to the ER and get the problem evaluated. I totally understand that no one wants the misery of an ER visit, but there is something wrong and someone needs to figure out what the problem is and fix it.


PS they can also give you potassium in the ER if needed, and can give it IV if you can't take it orally.
on 6/12/12 1:02 am - Perkasie, PA

Thank you so much for your insight.  My mom feels the exact same way,,,,I can't feel sick all the time for the rest of my life and we need an answer now!  Of course I am one who thinks give it another day and it will get better.  haha....it has been 9 days now.  

My PCP is calling my surgeon's office today actually so I am waiting to hear what happens with that before I head off to the ER.  Being in the hospital all the extra times is NOT easy when you have two young kids who need rides everywhere.  I feel bad to keep leaning on my extended family for all of this as it was my choice to have this surgery.  I mean they help no problem but I just am one who feels the guilt.  I hate being alone at the hospital too so my mom always stays with me which means noone is home with my boys (16 and 11), really the 16 yr old is old enough to be there some but he can't drive so that makes it tough when they need to go places and with the hospital about an hour away that isn't easy running home quick to drop them somewhere. etc.  My Doc wants to know what he can give me for potassium as he said the pills burn and can cause uclers and with my tiny new stomache he is afraid of what would happen.  So good to know it can be given thru an IV.  Altho I wonder how long it lasts then?  Funny cause 4 weeks ago when I was in it was on the higher side...so I gotta assume it flucuates alot?  

Gosh just too much to deal with.  At least my morning high ADEK multi is staying down.  :)
on 6/12/12 1:20 am - bay area, CA
I'm glad your pcp is contacting the surgeon. Hopefully, they will put together a plan of action for you.

Your pcp's concern about the potassium pills on a freshly operated stomach is also valid. All the more reason to get the IV potassium, or perhaps a liquid formulation (though I don't know if that would be gentler on your stomach - hopefully your pcp would know).

Potassium does not normally fluctuate a lot. If it is low, that is usually from lack of intake, or from vomiting and/or diarrhea, or from taking medications such as diuretics that cause potassium loss. Potassium is crucial for proper functioning of your heart, so if it's really low, it needs to be replaced.

Don't feel guilty about getting the care you need. When you are past all these problems (and you will be one of these days!), you will be so much better able to be a great mother/daughter/ etc with your improved health, which is the reason you had the surgery in the first place.

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