7 Years Out & BIG Weight Regain - HELP!

on 5/31/12 6:01 am
Hi Patty!

Thank you so much for reading through my (keyboard diarrhea) replies - I really appreciate it!

Carb detox - YES. I have greatly decreased my overall carb intake over this week and I must say I am feeling MUCH better. It's amazing how quickly you can change how you feel just by eliminating crappy food from your diet!

I love the idea of buying a turkey and baking it. That is something I've always been able to cook and not be sickened by the smell of it - I guess because I associate the smell of roasting turkey with my dear (departed) mother and so many happy times in our family. It seems a little odd to be roasting a turkey nowhere near a holiday, but I've done it plenty of times before. I am going to be buying a turkey and sticking it in my fridge to thaw tomorrow. By Monday it should be ready to cook.

I had a meeting with a nutritionist today who was sweet and well-meaning but didn't have a CLUE about the nutritional needs of a DSer. She printed me out a handout - HOW TO EAT IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING ROUX EN Y BARIATRIC SURGERY. It was talking about "dumping syndrome" and "your pouch" etc. Um, no. I told her I have to get 90 grams of protein a day and she looked at me blankly and said, No you don't. Sixty grams is PLENTY. Nobody needs that much protein. Only a quarter of your diet should be protein. Another quarter starches, and the other half of your diet fruits and vegetables. And, she said - DON'T stint on the fruits! You need some carbs, blah blah.

Well, I kind of tuned her out after that, I'm sorry to say. She meant so well. She was a delicate redhead maybe 5'10" tall and 120 pounds wringing wet, bless her heart.

I like the idea of a cheat weekend, but honestly - the past few years for me have been one long cheat weekend, haha. So I'm going to save that idea for a bit later, after I'm sure I'm back on track and have taken off some weight. Speaking of that - when I first posted four days ago, I weighed 172.5 lbs. This morning I weighed 171 lbs. so that's a step in the right direction at least.

Thanks again Patty!

(mindfully eating and watching those carbs!)

on 5/31/12 6:16 am
Something else the nutritionist said - CUT OUT MOST OF THE FAT. Go for non-fat or low-fat everything.

Oh dear :(
on 5/31/12 9:36 am
 There's nothing wrong with a medical professional saying, "I don't know but I will look it up and learn."

There's much wrong with a medical professional who gives out completely wrong information and is willing to remain ignorant.

And they wonder why people have issues with trusting them.

When my H got his first 'diabetic diet' from a diabetes educator, I told her I thought it was ridiculous and almost guaranteed to lead to insulin dependence in a short period of time.  It was carb/sugar heavy.  She looked at me like I was trying to convince her the sky was green and I just stepped off the spaceship.

That's just the way it is.
Lori F.
on 6/3/12 2:55 pm - Chula Vista, CA
 I've been refusing to see the nutritionist at my office again. She a skinny thing who has NO CLUE what I am talking about...grrrr
Pre-band highest weight: 244
Pre-band surgery weight: 233
Lowest: 199 ( for, like, a day)
260 (yes, with the band!) 
Current Fill: 5cc in 10cc band
BMI: 49
on 6/22/12 6:04 am - MI
VSG on 03/08/12
Back to Basics. You can do it.

Food journal everything. Weigh, measure and use small plates. Do not graze. Plan out what you will eat each day. Move your body, it will help with stress too. Keep protein high and for heavens sake, STOP eating the fast food. So much junk and added calories in that stuff. Carry a lunch bag with ice packs every day and always have healthy stuff on hand.

Not sure if you are in counseling, but it is the one thing that has helped me the most. If you are going, stay with it, if not, find someone you trust and that comes well recommended.

We all have fear of regain, but remember, losing hope will not help. Mentally realize that doing what you did before WILL work. Do not sabotage yourself before you even try doing it again. Visually it working. You can get back on track!
on 6/22/12 6:25 am
I think I do need the counseling most of all, because I have gotten into that mindset of "oh forget it, I'm just going to enjoy my life and not worry about it!!" Now whenever I look in the mirror I can't believe how I've blown up seemingly overnight.

This is a terrible, terrible feeling, I feel like I've just lost control of the whole thing and went through the pain and suffering of my DS for nothing D:
on 6/24/12 10:31 pm - MI
VSG on 03/08/12
Counseling can help in so many ways.  I was shocked at how grateful I felt after going through even just a few sessions.  I had a different perspective.  The glass wasn't half empty or empty, it was full and over flowing.  Counting my blessings was the biggest blessing.  To view life as a gift, instead of dreading it or fearing the future was a new concept for me.

I found a great Christian counselor and because I wanted it to be faith based, we focused on studying God's Word and applying it to my life.  My hope is in Jesus Christ, not in myself.  I fail, I falter, I do things for selfish reasons, but Jesus, through HIS blood and sacrifice gave me (a free gift), the hope of eternity with HIM.  Look inside yourself and find out what will give you TRUE hope.  A hope for the future.  A hope to be the person you know you are and not to settle into a life you are displeased with or that you are ashamed of.  You need to know how much you are worth (weight not being a factor).  Nothing does that more than knowing Christ died for you, not because you did anything to earn it, but because He loves you and YOU are worth it.

Jeremiah 29:11

For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

  “Not many of us are living at our best.  We linger in the lowlands because we are afraid to climb the mountains.  The steepness and ruggedness dismay us, and so we stay in the misty valleys and do not learn the mystery of the hills.  We do not know what we lose in our self indulgence.  What glory awaits us if only we had the courage for the mountain climb.  What blessing we should find if only we would move to the uplands of God.?  JRM
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