Stage III Kidney Failure?

on 5/24/12 4:05 am - Rexburg, ID
Hi, I just celebrated 8 years postop on May 20th. I have lost about 178 lbs. In 2010 I developed kidney failure and my kidney specialist did not know the cause. He has just discovered that it is directly related to my gastric bypass surgery. I have 30% function of my kidneys and when I reach 25% I will be in real trouble. He wants me to have a reversal and I do not want to. There is no cure for this, it comes on over a period of time. He has me on an oxalate free diet which means no chocolate, nuts, etc. Has anyone out there with DSS had this problem and if so what did they do?
Thanks. Verdonna.
(deactivated member)
on 5/24/12 6:51 am
I've not heard of this before.  How was the determination made that the kidney failure is related to your DS?  Have you consulted with Dr. K? 

Very interested to find out.

on 5/24/12 7:29 am - TX
 I am so sorry to hear you are having to go through this with your kidneys. I am pre-op for DS. I do not know anyone personally that has had this happen to them but I have read it in the research that it can happen for RYN & DS

Best wishes
on 5/25/12 2:47 am - Rexburg, ID
Thank you Auburn for your concern. If I had followed directions postop this may not have happened. I had a DS in 2004. I did not always keep my calcium up and have had trouble with it over the past 8 years. Also Dr K's literature preop warned about eating high oxalate foods that can form kidney stones such as chocolate and nuts. I ignored most everything and was elated to be losing weight. I am supposed to see Dr K every year for a checkup and have not seen him since 2004, so I brought some of this on myself through ignorance and willfulness. God Bless with your DS. I highly recommend it and would do it again in a heartbeat just I would pay attention to the nutritional side but hindsight is 20/20. Now I am facing a terminal situation according to my nephrologist, but we'll see about that. I am a fighter and risk taker so I am just getting started.
on 5/24/12 7:38 am - VA
OH ate my first post so if this comes up as a duplicate post, you'll understand. :)

I second Sharon's post about having your doc consult with Dr K. I don't understand how reversing your DS would help your situation. Please keep us posted though. I hope they get you sorted out so that you have the best possible results.


5'1" -- HW 195/SW 187/GW 115 July 08/CW 121 Dec 2012

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DS on Aug 9, 2007 with Dr. Hazem Elariny

on 5/24/12 8:17 am
Revision on 06/21/13
I have been here off and on since 2003. I have never heard of the DS causing kidney failure. It might complicate it  due to our high protein diet. I would ask why he thinks the DS caused and ask to read info on it. I would also ask Dr K, he is the expert and I have not heard him discuss it all these years. Best of luck ! 

 Revision #2 Dr John Rabkin June 21, 2013; First Revision DS - Dr Maguire
  5-18-09; First DS 7-15-2003 Dr Clark Warden = Third time is the charm   



on 5/25/12 2:52 am - Rexburg, ID
Hi Gak, Dr. K did mention it in my preop literature the possibility of oxalate kidney stones with a diet including chocolate and nuts. I however ignored this. Also my calcium levels over the past 8 years have been borderline to poor and I think what Julie said is correct about the oxalates floating around in your blood stream, not having anywhere to go. According to my doctor they attach to the fat cells and find their way to the kidneys where they either create stones or damage the kidney walls. In my case they have damaged my kidneys. So this is partly my fault for not staying on top of my vitamins and minerals, calciuml Let it be a warning to any newbies that are planning DS or Rouen-Y surgery. I am a bad example.
* Gail R *
on 5/24/12 8:22 am - SF Bay Area, CA
I had stage 3 kidney disease due to diabetres pre DS. Over the last 2 and a half years my kidneys have greatly improved. What you have written is very frightening. Please post any additional information that you find about the DS related kiidney damage. I would very much appreciate it.

~Gail R~  high wt.288,  surg wt 274, LW 143, CW 153,  GW164

on 5/25/12 2:21 am - Rexburg, ID
Congratulations on your weight loss. At the present time, I don't have any further info. Keep up your calcium and drink lots of fluids, stay away from chocolate and nuts as they are high in oxalates. In my case, oxalates caused the damage to my kidneys. Dr. K does warn patients to stay away from high oxalate foods, at least he did when I had the DSS in 2004, I just chose to ignore and go on my merry way. Its great that you have overcome some of your comorbidities. I had high blood pressure, joint pains, chronic swelling in my lower extremities and carried an 02 tank around for oxygen. All of those went away with weight loss I am happy to report.
Julie R.
on 5/24/12 10:16 pm, edited 5/24/12 10:17 pm - Ludington, MI
Yes, in a worse case scenario situation, hyperoxaluria can cause kidney failure because of calcification of the kidneys.    This is due to our poor calcium absorption.    Your doctor needs to do more research on other options for hyperoxaluria besides just an oxalate free diet.   You should be taking calcium EVERY time you eat, as this gives the oxalates something to bind to.  (Long story short, oxalates bind to calcium in the gut and because we don't absorb much calcium, they don't have much to bind to, so they kind of float around our bodies, forming crystals, and creating all kinds of havoc).     You also need to increase the acidity of your urine, because acid inhibits crystal formation.   There are medications out there that can help with this as well.    You need to be seeing the best kidney specialist you possibly can, and Dr. K might be able to help you.   Ms Calculator, a DS'er on these boards, has managed to improve her oxalate situation and you might want to contact her.  I think she is also a patient of Dr. K's.    Have you also consulted with an endocrinologist?    Are you seeing a urologist or a nephrologist?
Julie R - Ludington, Michigan
Duodenal Switch 08/09/06 - Dr. Paul Kemmeter, Grand Rapids, Michigan
HW: 282 - 5'4"
SW: 268
GW: 135
CW: 125

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