Sorry if I seem whiny

on 5/22/12 1:01 am, edited 5/22/12 1:02 am - Atlanta, GA
I think what you're going through is a combination of things and perfectly natural.

First, I think we all have buyer's remorse early on because your body has been through a lot, it takes it's toll and you feel terrible for a while - worse if you have complications in addition.  Plus having major surgery - any major medical occurrence can make you feel very fragile and sometimes frightened.  That is natural as well and it does eventually pass.

I also think we may all to a degree, whether we admit it or not, feel that having the surgery may amount to admitting defeat in battling the weight alone and this is simply not true.  Everyone . . . E V E R Y O N E . . . needs a tool to lose weight and maintain health - whether it's behavior modification, dietary changes, types of exercise like walking or aerobics or swimming or heavy weight lifting, dietary aides, etc. . . . the same tools don't work for everyone.  Each person has to find what tool, or combination of tools, works for him or her.  This is just another tool . . a stronger one, if you will.  For a great many people, the traditional tools are perfectly effective, but we have learned the hard way that our bodies are more resistent to traditional tools for various reasons and we need a different tool that will essentially allow the more traditional tools to be effective for us . . . it's an equalizer, basically . . . puts us on a level playing field with the fat.

This is not a decision made lightly or hastily . . . I think (or at least I hope) I speak for everyone who has chosen the DS when I say that we each did a great deal of research and study to learn of this particular tool and recognize that it is the best choice for us.  It is not a cop-out, it shows wisdom and a great deal of courage.

Certainly, talking to your therapist will help, but please know that  you are not alone and it's is normal to feel buyer's remorse . . . and no, it is not for no apparent reason . . . it's for very good reasons.  Major change is difficult, no matter how prepared you are for it.  I hope this helps, but keep coming back and talking it out.


Diva Jojo:   SW:  440lbs -- CW:  274lbs  --  GW:  240lbs

on 5/22/12 7:37 am - philadelphia, PA
DS on 04/26/12
Great insight, Joanne. Thank you!
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