6 year surgiversary!

Debbie P.
on 5/14/12 10:39 pm - Kettering, OH
Hi Everyone!

I don't post often, but I get on here and read just about daily.  I thought it would be nice to post a 6 year surgery anniversary update.  Hard to believe it's been six years.  WOW.

I had an open surgery.  Recovery was difficult, but only a few *complications* that were taken care of quickly.  First off, my surgeon lost a stitching needle in me (kind of looks like a fish hook).  He halted surgery to try to find it, but couldn't -- so it is still in me.  I was told that my body would encapsulate it in scar tissue and it would never be an issue.  It has never been an issue.  Then at 2 weeks out, my potassium bottomed out and I had to be re-hospitalized with oral and IV potassium.  That was pretty awful, but remedied within a few days.

So -- I lost pretty steadily for about 8 months and then it just stopped.  I had lost 91 pounds.  I still had 50 to lose.  It was discovered I had a large hernia, but my surgeon wanted to wait to repair it to see if I could lose more weight.  I really never did.  Matter-of-fact, I started gaining by a year or so out.  The good news was that I was no longer diabetic (type II) and my cholesterol was normal.

I gained about 30 pounds back over the course of the next 3-4 years.  It was very depressing.  My body shape was different too.  I had smaller hips, legs -- but a HUGE belly.  I looked pregnant and even with a 60 lb. loss -- I was wearing about the same size tops.  While I was thankful for the surgery in not having to deal with diabetes .... I was saddened too.  I watched so many on this board reach goal or come darn close and I never did.  I knew it was my lack of ability to refrain from carbs.  I could get my protein in and STILL eat large amounts of carbs.  Some days -- it just seemed like I didn't have restriction at all.

Fast forward to about a year ago.  At 5 years out, I had a lot of stress and family issues (my step-father died after a 1 1/2 year battle with cancer, my mom was showing strong signs of dementia).  It was during this stressful period that I started losing weight again.  Not the way I needed to be losing .... but by basically not eating much.  I never seemed to have time with going between Hospice and my mom's and working 2 jobs and taking care of 4 kids .... so I lost about 15 lbs. without really trying.

So at the beginning of this year, I decided to get serious about low carbing.  I wanted to see 1) if it would work and 2) if my surgery was still working as well.  So I upped my protein immensely and backed my carbs down to what I considered tolerable (which to most, it was still too high, but WAY less than what I was getting).  I tracked my food intake at sparkpeople and made sure I got in my water and my protein.  Well, low and behold -- the weight started coming off again!  I've dropped about 18 more pounds this year putting me at my lowest weight since surgery.  I finally crossed over into losing over 100 pounds!!  Woo Hoo.

I had massive labs done about a week ago.  I wasn't too surprised with the results.  My iron is tanked again (ferritin only at 4, hemoglobin at 9).  I'm waiting for the hematologist to call me today (hopefully) for an iron infusion.  My D was low as well -- so I've got to get that up.  And my *good* cholesterol was too low, so I need to work on that and exercise (which I've never done).

So there you have it.  My six years post surgery, in a nutshell.

Oh -- and one more thing.  Since I've been low carbing -- I have noticed my restriction again.  Or maybe it is that I notice it more by eating more protein -- it fills me up way faster than carbs did! 

To sum it up, yes I am very happy I had this surgery.  Am I disappointed about anything?  Not so much disappointed -- but I do get jealous at those who don't seem to have to work at it much when I have to really work at it due to my carb addictions.  I wonder if they will ever go away?

Thanks for reading!

Debbie ~

on 5/15/12 5:49 am - Sacramento, CA
Thank you for telling your story. So many come on here and paint a pretty picture and don't tell about their struggles. I am so glad to know that your tool is still working. Keep up the good work your goal is within your reach!!!!

on 5/15/12 6:28 am - OKC, OK
Great post. Congratulations on your new loss.
SW  257    CW  169  GW  165
on 5/15/12 6:32 am - AL
Thank YOU for posting! Pllesse update us on your low carbon results as you go forward.

on 5/15/12 8:41 am
Hi Debbie,
Congrats on your 6 yr surgiversary!  Plus, your new weight loss.  Bad reason with your step-dad and mom, but at least you are back on track.

My weight loss stopped at 5.5mo, 65lbs, then 4 mo later I lost another 10.  That was it.  I'm struggling with 10lbs that came back - I'm 4 yrs out.  I need to stop the sugar, but always get 100-150g of protein in.

Next week will try for 10 days before I go to Las Vegas... maybe it'll come off.  Keep posting and let us know how you are doing.

HW/225 - 5'1" ~ SW/205/after surgery 215 ~ CW/145~ BMI-25.8~Normal BMI 132 ~DS Dr Rabkin 4/17/08
Plastics in Monterrey - See Group on OH Dr Sauceda Jan 13, 2011
LBL, BL, small thigh lift, arms & a full facelift on 1/17/11
UBL 1/21/13
Love my Body by Sauceda

Valerie G.
on 5/15/12 9:01 am - Northwest Mountains, GA
 You figured it out Debbie!  I'm so happy for you.  I can't tell you how happy I am to discover that you're back and losing again.  

For the D, double up on your dry to 100k iu per day for a month, then back off to 50k iu per day.  It took me a year of fighting my D levels before I discovered this method, but I got it back up the next year.  It takes a long time.  I got my good cholesterol up with chia seeds added to my yogurt because I hate fish (another good source).

DS 2005

There is room on this earth for all of God's creatures..
next to the mashed potatoes

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