Having a really hard time here

on 5/14/12 10:36 am - Perkasie, PA

Well I am 3 weeks out as of today.  I landed back in the hospital on Friday and was over night in observation until Saturday late afternoon.  Had to have a cat scan to make sure all connections were ok and that my large intestines were ok.  Which everything looked fine.  I was having severe diarrhea and cramps (worse then natural childbirth) and unknown to me I was totally dehydrated.  I had had 22 boughts of diarrhea in less then 30 hours and there was no explanation other then once you get dehydrated your body basically goes into shock and tried grabbing fluid from anywhere it can.  Which happens so fast.  So I was sent back home back to full liquids and was to start back on pureed today.  Well I am so sick to my stomache the thought of food makes me sicker but the hunger pains are killing me too.  I am taking pain meds around the clock but they don't really seem to be working.  I am so sad and frustrated.  I know how important it is to have the fluids but that also makes the cramping and gas really bad, no matter if it is room temp or cold.  UGH it is so frustrating because I have always had IBS and now it seems as though my body is regecting this new me inside.  I thought for sure at 3 weeks out I would be feeling a lot better then I am and I guess I am here just looking for support as I really don't have people to talk to this about, who have had bad issues with the surgery and having to go back into the hospital.  My kids are frustrated as well and I can't give them a WHEN as they want to know when I will be better.  I know most people say 6 weeks, but I am not your "normal" human to begin with...lol  Learned all about that when going thru all the hoops to have this surgery.  Right now I just feel so depressed and upset with myself.  Please tell me what worked for you.  Thanks.
on 5/14/12 10:56 am - bay area, CA
I have not been through what you are going through and can only sympathize, though I do have one practical suggestion:

get tested for C diff. You were almost certainly given at least one dose of antibiotics for your surgery (it was probably IV so you might remember it) and even one dose can cause C diff. While staying hydrated is crucial and you did right to go to the ER, if this is C diff it needs to be treated.

Janine P.
on 5/14/12 12:50 pm - Long Island, NY
Are you taking iron yet?  Take iron.  It firms your poop up.  It helped me tremendously.  I started with two 150mg poly's.  If you have to go up to 3, it won't hurt you.

Did you get bloodwork for c.diff? 

I'm sorry you're going through this.  It sounds rough, but it does get better.  I was pure liquid for two weeks straight when I first got out from my surgery.  Between the iron and time doing it's thing, I got better.

Best of luck!


Janine   Me on Youtube 


on 5/14/12 1:18 pm

One sure sign of dehydration is loss of appetite.  Make sure you get your fluids in.
I had to go in to the hospital twice to be re-hydrated...first time was 72 hours after surgery, the next when I was about 3 weeks out.  Don't be afraid to go to ER and let them give you some fluids IV.  

Sometimes,  all you need, is rehydration.

HW 405/SW 397/CW 138/GW 160  Do the research!  Check the stats!
The DS is *THE* solution to Severe Morbid Obesity!


on 5/15/12 12:07 am - Perkasie, PA
 Thanks everyone!  I was tested negative for C-diff once, but apparantly the "books" say you need 2 or 3 negatives to be sure but of course my body stopped producing samples when asked for more at the hospital saturday.  I had C-diff once before and it was horrible.  But with this surgery I dunno what is new or just old normal stuff.  My IBS is really bad and just not liking the new insides....it effects my large intestines and since they weren't "involved" directly in the surgery they are mad.  lol  Who knows it is all a guessing game and I hate it.  day by day is all I can do at this point.  Hopefully one day soon I will wake up feeling a ton better.  :)
on 5/15/12 1:11 am - ID
You poor thing!  You must be so frustrated!  I know you can't imagine eating or drinking right now, but honestly it's the only thing that is going to help you feel better.  I only wanted soup postop, so had DH pick up favorites from around town.  It would last for a few days and I just took a sip as often as I could. 

Please feel better soon!


Misty P.
on 5/15/12 2:28 am - AUSTIN, TX
DS on 07/02/12
So sorry bubbles. I read through all the posts so I hope to kno what to expect when I have my surgery in 6 weeks or so. Just trying to keep an open mind. Only thing I can suggest is heating pads for cramps. Things will get better, keep your head up. HUGS
on 5/15/12 2:34 am

Hi Bubbles.

I'm sorry you are feeling so poorly...   I went to the same practice you did (absolutely love love them), Please call the nurse practitioner today and let her know you are still feeling poorly..   THey may want to see you.

Keep us posted


on 5/15/12 4:02 am - Perkasie, PA
 Hey Kathy,

I did talk with Donna this morning from there but other then what everyone keeps saying is all she could offer also.  I am just so freaken scared right now and feel so so so sick to my stomache.  Why me is all I keep thinking.  Trying to make soup right now we will see how that goes.  I feel like my body is rejecting my new insides like a transplant patient.  Thanks for your concern.  
on 5/15/12 6:25 am - AL
Very cold almost icey water lightly flavored with crystal lite. Sip constantly. Immodium. Time. If you get dehydrated again get fluids soon. It does get better.

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