If you were a DS surgeon, would you approve me?

on 5/5/12 11:26 am
DS on 01/28/13
Hi all,

I'm new here and hope that I can get to know everyone over the next several months as I travel the WLS journey!  After many years of 'thinking' about WLS, I have decided it is something I absolutely MUST do to literally survive.  Before the past few days, I thought the LapBand and RNY were my only options, then I kept seeing people talk about the DS.  I knew I did not want the LapBand so I thought RNY was basically my only choice.  Anyway, I made an appt for a consultation in early June (due to my insurance not starting until then - it's the PCIP program through the government).  I am pretty sure the hospital I chose does not do DS.  So now, I'm wondering if I should cancel that appointment and look at  center that does BOTH DS and RNY.  That way I get a more fair judgment on the part of the surgeon. 

Here are my stats... what do you all think?  

I'm 32 and female.  I weigh 380 and am 5'4 tall.  My BMI is 65.  I have high blood pressure (taking meds) and sleep apnea as well as all kinds of aches and pains. Oh and I have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome.  I don't take anything except ibuprofen for the pain.   I also have depression and anxiety issues and take three meds for that (none are sustained release or XR type).  I have not been diagnosed, but I'm pretty sure I have stress urinary incontinence (at least a mild case).  And, my feet swell terribly if I'm on them very long.  The only previous surgery I've had was to remove my gallbladder 7 years ago (it was laparoscopic).   I've lost weight on Weigh****chers and Atkins, but have always gained it back plus a lot more.  I tend to love things like pizza and pasta and lately I've had an awful craving for sweets.  Oh, and I have mild hypothyroidism but I take synthroid for it.   My biggest concerns are safety (obviously) and being able to keep the weight off once I lose it.  I do NOT want to have another WLS after this one.  I'm torn about whether such a restrictive diet with RNY is what I truly NEED or if I can manage being able to eat a bigger variety (with DS) without going overboard.  I hope that makes sense.  And please feel free to correct me if my understanding is not correct. :)   

Okay, so do you think a DS (or even a RNY) surgeon would consider me for surgery? 

Thanks so much,
Candace :)  
* Gail R *
on 5/5/12 1:41 pm, edited 5/5/12 1:42 am - SF Bay Area, CA
I don't like to offer medical advice but from what I read, you are a perfect candidate for the DS surgery. Please go to DSFacts. com and read the entire site. Only go to doctors that are on the list provided. This is a difficult surgery and you want only the most experianced to work on you. I believe that the DS is really your only option to ever acheive a healthy weight and maintain. Good luck and keep asking questions.

~Gail R~  high wt.288,  surg wt 274, LW 143, CW 153,  GW164

on 5/5/12 11:32 pm
As a former "Crap-Bander" (there are LOTS of us here) we collectively yell...


I wasted years on that piece of crap!  I am 21/2 years out of DS surgery and I have to say I would do it again in a minute!  Don't get me wrong the surgery and recovery weren't easy, and it took some time for me to figure our what I can and can not eat, but it's soooooooo worth it!  Its nice to live life again and not spend my days worried about my what I am putting in my mouth and my weight.  I follow a few rules, take my vits, and life is pretty good around here!

With the band I spent 2 years of vomiting, pain and self-blame as to why it didn't work for me and "worked for everyone else! " Thank God I found this board and learned I was not alone.  Not by a long shot!

I wish I had done the DS sooner.  Nothing is perfect and I have my issues, but I am such a happier, healthier person now.  I am grateful everyday! 

IM me with questions and I'll do my best to answer.  I too was not sure, but I am so glad I too the leap to the Dark Side!  :)


Nothing will change if you don't have the courage to change it!
      And stop calling me "Shirley!"    
on 5/5/12 11:53 pm - bay area, CA
The DS has the best statistics for percentage excess weight loss and for maintaining that weight loss of any wls presently available. While it works well for "lightweights", it is esp valuable for people with a high bmi such as yourself. It is unlikely that you would get to anything approaching a normal weight with any other surgery.
     The DS will also allow you to continue taking NSAIDs. with RNY they are contraindicated for life.
      and while there are never any guarantees, the DS provides the greatest metabolic changes that will give you the best chance for resolution of your comorbidities.
     Make sure the surgeon you consult with does the DS. Otherwise, you will probably be directed to whatever procedure he/she does, regardless of whether or not it's really the best choice for you. Check out the list of DS surgeons at dsfacts.com.
     Best of luck!

Jolly Rancher
on 5/6/12 2:47 am

I'm not a doctor and I don't play one on tv. You will have to modify some of your eating habits, regardless of which surgery you choose. The RNY pouch doesn't stay tiny forever, and the malabsorption lessens A LOT over time. Stomas stretch, etc. I've seen way too many regainers to recommend it.

I would deifnitely find a DS doctor and consult with them. You  may find that bread, pizza and pasta bother you too much to eat, or you may be like me, sitting here eating a slice of thin crust right now. There's no way to know how your body will react.


on 5/6/12 5:11 am - Livermore, CA
DS on 05/24/12

You've gotten great advice from everyone so far. I just wanted to add some things...

Pick your surgery first, THEN pick your surgeon. WLS is a "consumer" market. YOU are the expert on yourself, your body and your ability to live with the results of each surgery type.

There are other websites on the Internet to gather information from, however, be careful, because not everyone responds the same to each surgery. You have to go with what makes the most sense to you. There are people posting (on any site) that should not be trusted, and others who would NEVER steer you wrong.

When I first started researching, I was told, "don't go to a Ford Dealer if you're looking to buy a Chevy". it's good advice and applies to WLS. My surgeon won't do a Lap Band or a RnY because he doesn't believe they work in the long term. Not that they won't work for some people.

All that said, I Believe the DS is the BEST WLS available but you have to know how to LIVE post-op. Read all you can about the vitamins, supplements, Labs, Post-op Complications, etc. People have died because they didn't take their supplements seriously. Read some of the horror stories and KNOW that you MUST stay vigilant. Okay, Best of luck to you!

If you want more information, feel free to PM me.

on 5/9/12 8:23 am

I'd approve you in a heartbeat. 

I was 397 at 5'5'' (4- 3/4" actually.  I round up 1/4 inch) on surgery day, February  25, 2009. 
I had sleep apnea, anxiety and depression issues,high blood pressure, bad knees from carrying all the weight around, my own personal mobility scooter, and urge incontinence.
I also have lupus and fibromyalgia.

Here's my ticker...see for yourself...

Today, my scooter is collecting dust, no buyer yet. My CPAP has been under the bed for two years now,

Being a "pear", I have major skin hanging from my thighs, that up until today, I thought was going to be covered for a thighplasty.  I got the news last week, and  the coverage has all but vanished as of today. it looks like I have to keep wearing a compression garment- medical grade custom made elastic "skintone", which is a joke - I'm African-American, medium complexion, about the President's shade, and hard to match.

While I'm disappointed by this, I still thank God for the DS.  It has made so many things possible for me - including the opportunity to study my way back from disability. I'm healthier than I was three years ago,  weight related co-morbidities resolved.

HW 405/SW 397/CW 138/GW 160  Do the research!  Check the stats!
The DS is *THE* solution to Severe Morbid Obesity!


on 5/12/12 12:53 pm - Orange County :), TN
I would seek a surgeon that does both and discuss with him/her your thoughts and concerns. Just verify the surgeon does the DS and not a bate and (non)switch dr.
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