can a DS'r eat these foods?

(deactivated member)
on 5/2/12 2:18 am, edited 5/2/12 2:21 am - WA
can a person with DS surgery eat any of these foods and still be following the rules?
If so, how far out before it is acceptable to eat them?

Fried hamburger
Fried Sausage
Link Sausage
cream sauces
Wheat Bread
Hot dogs
Fruits (Lots, Fresh)
Veggies, Fresh and Frozen
Just listing whatever I can think of that I know I may have to give up 
on 5/2/12 2:22 am - AL
During your weight loss window you will want to avoid carbs:  pasta, rice, pizza crust, cereal, potatoes, wheat bread.

You may or may not become sensitive to wheat gluten.  Google that to see what foods it is in.

For life you may have to limit carbs and focus on protein to stay healthy and keep your weight off.

Meat and cheese is FREE.  You can always eat all you want. for-Pre-Ops-with-Links/


* Gail R *
on 5/2/12 2:56 am - SF Bay Area, CA
What Beemer said, plus the fact that some vegetables, fruit and beans can be difficult to digest. The futher out you are from surgery the more variety of foods you may be able totolerate. You will always want to stay away from ingesting a lot of simple carbohydrates to prevent gas and regain.

~Gail R~  high wt.288,  surg wt 274, LW 143, CW 153,  GW164

on 5/2/12 3:42 am
On May 2, 2012 at 9:18 AM Pacific Time, muzzled wrote:
can a person with DS surgery eat any of these foods and still be following the rules?
If so, how far out before it is acceptable to eat them?

Fried hamburger
Fried Sausage
Link Sausage
cream sauces
Wheat Bread
Hot dogs
Fruits (Lots, Fresh)
Veggies, Fresh and Frozen
Just listing whatever I can think of that I know I may have to give up 
Pasta - I eat VERY small amounts.
rice - I eat this in SMALL amounts
pizza -Mostly the toppings
cereal - nope but only because it's ALL carbs
potatoes - I eat VERY small amounts.
Gravy - Not really but only cause I don't care for it except on bisquits which I also don't eat now, MY choice.
Fried hamburger - I grill mine
Fried Sausage- yeap
Link Sausage - yeap
cream sauces - some but not much
Cheese- OF COURSE!!!
Wheat Bread - make my own
Ketchup- not really but never ate much of it pre-op
Hot dogs - once in a while
Fruits (Lots, Fresh) I keep this at a minimum and keep them raw if possible
Veggies, Fresh and Frozen - YES, YES, and YES
Beans - YES, YES, and YES
Eggs - YES, YES, and YES

BUT I am also over 15 months out and below my goal weight...I also had jaw surgery which limits what I can eat right now..

It's not a case of giving up foods, just giving them up for awhile and then limiting your intake to focus on protein.


Duodenal Switch (Lap) 01-24-11 | Surgeon: Stephen Boyce | High weight: 250 in 2002 | Surgery weight: 203 | Lowest weight: 121 | Current weight: 135 | Goal weight: 135


on 5/2/12 4:19 am - Clarksville, IN
I had my DS in July 2009.  I've lost 245lbs and still want to lose 50 more.  Here's where I am on that list, keeping in mind that I am avoiding as many carbs as possible 90% of the time to finish losing this weight.  But I've tried them all:

Pasta:  SMALL amounts or I get sick and want to vomit it up to feel better. Dreamfields sits MUCH better for me.
rice: Like 5 bites.  The amount in a Taco Bell steak cantina burrito is about it for me.  I've just recently tried rice.  Sushi rice doesn't bother me as much as rice from mexican places, and mexican places rices don't bother me near as much as things like rice a roni.  THAT stuff will MESS me up after a few bites.  it doesn't taste as good to me as it used to, thankfully.  I used to live on the stuff.
pizza: I get thin crust, or I make my own low carb crust, or just brown cheese in a skillet and add toppings.  I eat pizza 3-4 times a week.  Brok's crust is awesome and I always have ingredients around to make it for that craving.  If I get it out I get the thinnest crust possible and if I don't have a choice, then I just take a bite or two of the end and then scrape the rest of the toppings off into my mouth and toss the crust
cereal I avoid.  It doesn't taste good to me anymore.  I had a handful of peanut butter cheerios a few days ago and was just 'eh'
potatoes I can eat them all day long.  Mash em up with tons of real butter, sour cream, bacon... yum
Gravy I love my gravy!  No issues with gravy.
Fried hamburger Pure protein here.  Eat all you want.  I do. Denser proteins like this and the sausages took me longer to get to.  a few months actually.
Fried Sausage Tons of protein as well.  Eat at your leisure, again, I do.
Link Sausage A few carbs in some brands, but still more protein to offset that.  I eat tons of these
cream sauces LOVE!  High fat keeps the constipation at bay!
Cheese I have more cheese in a day than most people do in a week.  I eat it all. day. long.  It's my go to snack, and the one time I ran out of string cheese, my ex BF asked if I was sick: he'd never seen the fridge without it.  EAT.
Wheat Bread  I don't care for it.  I go to Trader Joes and get the sprouted breads there:  Rye is a favorite so I can do Ruebens!  Barring that, I get the white Healthy Life carb smart bread they sell at Walmart.  Except for my grilled cheese creations, I only use one slice per sandwich
Ketchup  I eat it a few times a week.  Heinz I think it is makes a low carb version you can get at Krogers.  I slather it on my meatloaves.  I canned my own a few years ago: very tasty.
Hot dogs I love them, and hated them presurgery.  I stuff them with cheese, wrap them in bacon and deep fry those suckers.
Fruits (Lots, Fresh) I stick to berries.  Apples will mess me up!  Gas like crazy.  Melon in moderation.  But my breakfast today was a honey Chobani with 3 handfuls of blue, black and strawberries.  /drool I buy one or two oranges and a grapefruit a week.
Veggies, Fresh and Frozen I limit corn, peas, and other high starch/carb veggies.  But I live for brussel sprouts, broccoli, green beans and collard/mustard/etc greens.  To combine categories, I made a low carb Brok's pizza crust with garlic infused olive oil, brie, proscuitto and arugala for dinner a few days ago.  FULL of yum.  I prefer fresh veggies, but frozen works too.  And anything I can cover in butter, cheese, or deep fry, I'm good with.  :)
Beans: I eat in moderation.  They fill me up quickly, but I tolerate them well.  I've done crock pots of beans with ham.  I keep refried beans in the cupboard.  One of my first go to foods after surgury was refried beans, chorizo and white cheese all mixed up.  Very easy on my new healing tummy in small doses.  I'm a ho for Mexican food.
Eggs  I live alone right now and I buy them by the dozens.  They are one of the few sources of albumin, which I historically am low on in labs.  I boil them, bake them, fry them, make crustless quiche, frittatas, scrambles...  Eggs are EXCELLENT.  Scrambled eggs were again one of my first post surgery foods.

Best advice I can give is to not stock up on anything until you've tried it a few times post surgery.  Take your time in trying new things, and try a bite at a time.  And wait.  I can sit down and eat a bowl of rice if I wanted too.  30 min later, I'm going to be writhing on the floor and popping gas-x like crazy and just in PAIN.  I learned that.  The hard way.  And just because Person X on the boards can eat popcorn all day long doesn't mean that you don't have to limit yours, add extra butter, and take two hours to eat it or suffer the consequences. 

High protein
High fat
Low carb
on 5/2/12 4:46 am
I eat all of the above. I am more than 4 years out.

I do not love pasta like I used to, though. It doesn't seem to taste good. The rice bloats me.

I live in Chicago, so pizza is a must!


I had the kick-butt duodenal switch (DS)!

HW: 344 lbs      CW: 150 lbs

Type 2 diabetes and sleep apnea GONE!

Hey Jules
on 5/2/12 5:36 am
On May 2, 2012 at 9:18 AM Pacific Time, muzzled wrote:
can a person with DS surgery eat any of these foods and still be following the rules?
If so, how far out before it is acceptable to eat them?

Fried hamburger
Fried Sausage
Link Sausage
cream sauces
Wheat Bread
Hot dogs
Fruits (Lots, Fresh)
Veggies, Fresh and Frozen
Just listing whatever I can think of that I know I may have to give up 
 YES. I eat all those foods just like a normal person. My only rule is protein first. I also eat as much fat (heavy whipping cream, butter, ranch sauce, bacon, sour cream) as I want. It's like a dream come true.

                         brokenwings.jpg image by heyjules77

5'8", 150cm C.C. - HW 289/SW 275/CW 150/GW 164      I  my DS!!!

on 5/2/12 6:09 am, edited 5/1/12 6:16 pm
It has been my experience that DSers can eat whatever they want. There is really no "forbidden list" as with RNYs, Banders, etc., because we still have intact, though smaller stomachs which still churn food, as intended, and most of us still produce a fair amount of stomach acid, which after chewing and saliva, is the second step of food breakdown.

The approximate absorption rates for DSers, according to my surgeon, are as follows:

Protein - 50-60%

Complex Carbs (fruits,veggies, whole grains) 50-60%

Fats - 20%

Simple Carbs - (white flour, anything made from white flour) 100%

Simple Sugars - (soda, high fructose sweetened juices, refined sugar (including brown, which is refined white sugar with molasses added for color and different texture) 100%

That said, the choice is yours. You need to eat some fat, (butter, whole milk, deep fried, etc), because your body needs some fat for metabolic processes.
From my own experience, and my surgeon's instruction (NOT dietitians, most of them, even in bariatric programs, have no clue!), DSers have no such thing as a weight loss window. In fact, after about a year, I just lost another 15 pounds, putting me just 8 pounds away from my absolute lowest (doctor imposed) weight of 160, and I'm 3 years and change post-op. The other 15-20 pounds of weight on me are loose skin and fat deposits hanging onto that skin. Once I have the plastics I will be, as my PCP said yesterday "chart weight".

I have to work (eat) like HELL to keep my weight stable! I'm trying to develop more muscle mass through exercise, to help the plastics drape better, and to help put a little more poundage on, since muscle is heavier than fat.

You will tolerate more foods the further out you are, so immediately post-op, don't try to go have a're still healing!

I love the DS because it still allows *you* to make the choice, and for the foods that have intestinal side effects, mostly simple carbs and sugars, *you* make the decision whether you want to put up with that. I would recommend eating those types of foods in a non-social setting if you so choose, because the gas is DEADLY!

Chow down, baby!

HW 405/SW 397/CW 138/GW 160  Do the research!  Check the stats!
The DS is *THE* solution to Severe Morbid Obesity!


walter A.
on 5/2/12 9:14 am - lafayette, NJ
Jazz has it worked out , I don't diet or watch what I eat. life is good with the ds  but my habits have change toward "Atkins" basically.
on 5/2/12 9:18 am - Newark, DE
I eat everything on your list. However, I am below my goal weight. I always make sure that I get my protein in first and then it is game on
SW 269    CW 135.6  GW 140    

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