Am I the only one that struggles with these vitamins

on 4/15/12 12:16 pm
I am three years out---  and just forget to take them or just dont bother with them....why ?  why ?    Do others struggle with this as much as me       Just cant get it together, I just did my labs last week so I will check them out and see how bad they will be...I do suffer from depression
To me this is the hardest part of the DS Surgery taking vitamins">">>
Valerie G.
on 4/15/12 12:28 pm - Northwest Mountains, GA
The key is implementing them into your routine.  I do great through the week at work, but since weekends were so random, I often forget to take them. 

DS 2005

There is room on this earth for all of God's creatures..
next to the mashed potatoes

on 4/15/12 7:27 pm - Southern, NJ
 I work full time so I put them on my desk right in front of my face so I don't forget them. I make them up a month in advance in one of the handy dandy Med Center pill organizers. On weekends I put them where I will see them. I really had to make it a conscious effort thing or forget about it! Good luck!
on 4/16/12 2:52 am - MI
You're definitely not the only one. I use Vitalady's DS pkg and have them set up to take four times a day. I sort them ahead of time and have about two weeks worth ready at a time. I get them out and put them on my desk...and still forget to take them even with them right in front of my face. Out of the four batches I should be taking daily I'm lucky if I get in two most days. Once in a while I manage to get all four, but those days are few and far between. I thought the vitamins would be the easiest part of my post-DS routine. But as it turns out, not so much. 

(Your post just reminded me to grab them. Thanks for the reminder!)

 I am not like I was before. I thought that nothing would change me. ~Sinead O'Connor
on 4/16/12 4:13 am - Chicago, IL

I know every1 is different, but listening to some on here who have neglected taking their vits & the problems they've had/have as a result makes me very diligent about taking mine. My daughter had surgery in '02 & took hers for only a couple of months. She's had quite a few issues as a result. Issues that I have not had. It's not too late, start taking ur vits now.




Lisa A.
on 4/16/12 9:57 am - Canada
DS on 09/21/12
Try this med centre, it has an alarm :)

St.Joes Hamilton- Dr. Hong- Duodenal Switch (DS)
ref-Aug /11                       ultrasound-March/12            internist- April/12
info sess-Jan/12                soc worker-March/12             surgeon app. May/12
nurse & dietician-Feb/12     scope- March/12                 surgery- Sept 21/12
on 4/17/12 12:59 am - Clermont, FL
Try setting the alarm on your phone, that's what I do and I use the med boxes that have the day spilt into 4 doses and they fit in a tray with the day printed on each one. I keep the tray by the coffee pot and when I make my travel cup in the morning I pop it in my bag and take them when the alarm goes off!

Yorkie xx

Had a band in 2005 at 280lbs, had band removed and DS done on Jan 22nd 08 at 220lbs in Spain, now 135lbs and a size 4!! Happy as a Clam!!Dontcha love the DS? It's the best tool around!!                


on 4/17/12 4:03 am
 I empathize because it is hard for me at times, too. I'm 5+years out and have had bouts of noncompliance and nice stretches of time when I take them everyday.  

What has helped me:

  - set your phone to give you reminders during the day (if you have a phone with that function). This helps me get into the habit. And/or set up a google calendar alert for different times of the day.

- take certain vitamins during activities that you do every day anyway. One batch when you wake up to go to the bathroom first thing in the am. One when you brush your teeth. One batch by your keys. This helps me a lot. I take iron at 5 or 6 am when I get up -- on an empty tummy & a hour awat from breakfast/ coffee/tea/ dairy. 

- put the vitamins where you can see them. I know it sounds simple but this really helped me. I get so busy that I forget. I keep some right by the coffee mugs-- can't get a mug without reaching past them. Sme by my toothbrush. Some right next to the tv. 

I hope this helps someone!  Good luck :0)
on 4/18/12 2:27 am - Atlanta, GA
No, you're not the only one.  I struggle with this as well.  In fact, got back on track last June cold turkey after being very non-compliant for just over a year.  Long story short, I'm on the wagon and doing well now and am about 85% compliant.  Here's what I did.

I bought the cylinder tube for weekly doses(w/ different color for each day), but I bought seven of them so I could have a tube of the same color for each day.  I've broken my doses into 6.  I make up the week of doses on Sunday evening and keep in the fridge.  I grab one tube each morning.

Have my phone alarm set for each dose and keep it with me.  Also keep the tube sitting on my desk in front of me all day.

This has worked for me.  I will say that some days I only get in five doses, but for the most part, I'm taking the last dose at bedtime and my tube is empty.

I hope this helps.  Here is a link to the pill tube I'm talking about: p80269

I got mine from Walgreen's.  The colors help keep me straight as I use a different color for each day ('s why I bought seven). 

Diva Jojo:   SW:  440lbs -- CW:  274lbs  --  GW:  240lbs

Larissa P.
on 4/19/12 12:30 am - Denton, TX
Do you have a monthly vitamin organizer? You need to take out the daily drudge of organizing them, pull a day's worth at at time to stick in your purse or pocket, and set alarms on your cell phone. Now it's so easy for me I don't even think about it. (Except once a month when I fill up my organizer.)
Duodenal Switch hybrid due to complications.
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