Now about Dr. Husted

on 4/1/12 5:46 am - TX
Dr. Husted did the sleeve part of my DS revision in Arizona.  I would like to make some comments about that experience.  As with most folks that have surgery they are very pleased with "their" surgeon.  I was too.  I was thinking everything was dandy. 

However in retrospect I will have to admit that I am not pleased with the revision that was done.
I did not know that Dr. Juarez (I think that is how you spell it ) had a questionable reputation.  When I was sedated in the pre op area waiting to go into surgery, Dr. Husted told me that the scheduled MD assisant would not be available and would it be Okay if Dr. Juarez assisted with him.  I didnt know.  I said "sure".  I assumed it was okay.  

I have come to find out that Juarez has had several tragic results some fatal as a result of his work.    That makes me sick to think about.   I had not thought about the doctor switch again until I received a bill from him ome 6 months later saying he was going to send me to bill collectors etc.  So I called the clinic that Dr. Husted had been affiliated with to find out that they did not know who Juarez was and that Dr. Husted was no longer with their weight loss clinic in Arizona.  That was spooky.  It felt kind of like a fuzzy dreamlike experience...the whole thing.  I was shocked to find that Husted had moved again.  I had no one to call for follow up, and who the heck is Juarez. (I tell you was was sedated and did not remember anything about a Juarez) 

I was talking to someone here a few months ago and found out about Juarez  reputation and Husteds move back to California (where I am not sure) .  You know my primary care doc has moved his practice across town and he has sent  several letters to announce his move and make arrangement for medical records transfer etc.  You would think that Husted could do the same.

Anyway.  The surgery itself has not been much help.  I do not feel that I received any additional restriction from what I had when I went in for the revision in the first place.  It took almost four months for the medial incision site( about 6 inches long) to stop draining and heal.   I lost maybe 30 pounds and I think most of that came directly post op due to swelling of tissues and personal caution on my part, not wanting to stress a new surgery with much intake.  However within 6 weeks I was able to take in quantities similar to what I was doing before the surgery.  My weight loss stopped after 3 months. 

I figure that the whole experience was for nothing.  I have had no follow up with anybody. Not sure where to find Husted or if it would matter if I did.   

My PCP is not paying attention to my particular issues.  Everything I do now, I do because I have read it here.  Thanks for the veterans here on the DS forum.  It is kind of scary.  I know I need to find a doc or NP that can follow me with some understanding.  There are local bariactric surgeons here where I live but I dont think that they would follow up with some other surgeons work.  Not sure what to do really.

Anyway...I wanted to clear up my past stated opinion of my experience with Dr. Husted.  He was really nice... I just dont know where the heck he is, the revision was of little use and I hate that Dr Juarez was given access to me during the surgery. 

  Think carefully before selecting a surgeon.  Cant say that I am pleased with Husted .


on 4/1/12 7:25 am - bay area, CA
Last anyone knew, Dr. H has relocated to crown bariatric surgery group in SoCal. As far as I know, he's still there. At least, he's still listed on their website, so if the website is up to date, that's where he is. What his practice consists of these days, I don't know.

I'm sorry you had such a disappointing experience with your revision surgery. I hope you can find a surgeon who will follow-up with you, and maybe order either an upper GI x-ray or upper endoscopy to see how large sleeve was made. If you have the operative report that would also be helpful. The hospital where the surgery was performed should have this.

on 4/1/12 7:39 am
 Lots of negative things have been said about Husted. No one recommends him any more. There was a long discussion about him on the other forum. Last I recall, no one knew where he was. Sorry things went so poorly for you. 
on 4/2/12 12:54 pm
Revision on 06/21/13
How far are you from Dr Stewart in Denton ? I have heard he takes over on some patients. Not sure what his requirements are though.

 Revision #2 Dr John Rabkin June 21, 2013; First Revision DS - Dr Maguire
  5-18-09; First DS 7-15-2003 Dr Clark Warden = Third time is the charm   



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