My Calcium Relationship

on 3/5/12 2:22 am - Atlanta, GA
Just wanted to chime in with an updated.  I last posted that I was doing well, but struggling with getting back up to my full dosage of calcium due to a fear of experiencing another fissure.  Let me just say that I did bite the bullet and got up to my full dose and some extra regularly and have found that a dose of miralax at bedtime so far has been sufficient to keep things soft.  So . . . so far so good.  Still very paranoid about it and probably will be for a while, but at least I'm back fully on track and doing well.  I'm contacting my surgeon's office for my annual follow up and getting my labs done in about 6-8 weeks.  I need to give time for this consistency to register and gauge where I am, then adjust from there.

Bad news is I did develop another small clot in my left leg.  You may not recall, but I was literally incapacitated with the first fissure last year and the week that it took to break through the severe constipation.  Developed a severe case of DVT in my left leg, which resulted in PE's in both sides of my lungs.  They prescribed a 6-month course of Coumadin (which, thankfully didn't result in a menstrual cycle of biblical proportions - sorry if TMI) which ended in February.  Had my follow up to come off officially and my D-dimer was slightly elevated and an ultrasound revealed a clot in my left leg.  Not a large one, but one nonetheless.  I'm hoping this doesn't mean I'm on Coumadin for life, I'm still hoping the prior case was so bad it's just taking longer to resolve completely.

But if I'm a lifer, then I'll deal with it.  I know I won't be the first.  To be honest, while I figured the episode after the fissure was the first clot, I've read that you can have DVT which resolves without symptoms ever registering, but can still do enough damage to the blood vessels as to make them vulnerable to recurring clots.  So, I suppose it's possible that this was not the first occurrence.  I know my mother had been put into those tight support hose years and years ago, but I can honestly say I don't know what it was for as I was a teenager and not really paying attention to that stuff, but it's possible she had DVT as well. 

Yeah, all those thoughts are running through my head, when the bottom line is, it has happened, which makes me more vulnerable to it happening again, so it's possible I will be put on for life. 

Are there any other Coumadin "lifer's" out there.  Would be interested to hear from you.  Actually, been on Lovenox shots for these three days as my INR was 1.5 on Friday.  Don't know why as I'm been very strict with vit K intake and haven't missed a single coumadin dose, but there you go.  I get INR re-tested this afternoon.

So, good news and not-so good news.  But I'll take it a day at a time, step by step.


Diva Jojo:   SW:  440lbs -- CW:  274lbs  --  GW:  240lbs

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