Need Guru help please on my labs...

Carolyn T.
on 2/15/12 3:38 am
I am sorry, I know I am absent on here more than I am on but I really need help.  My doctor has moved and I'm not certain where to reach him at the moment - bah humbug!  It is past time for my yearly bloodwork, so I asked my general physician if he could order it and told him I thought I could get help on my support line from you all on the results, (he admitted he didn't know exactly to look for in my situation).  I am posting my test results below and would appreciate your insights.  Thanks in advance.

  Ref range   DATE
PTH, intact 10-65   26
Calcium 8.5-10.4   9
Vitamin D, 25-hydroxy 32-100   18.7
Osteocalcin 4.9-30.9    
Iron, Total 35-175    
Iron, binding capacity 250-400    
Iron, % saturation 15-50    
Ferritin, Serum 10-291    
Folic Acid > or = 3.1   19.9
Serum Folate >5.4    
Carnitine, total 31-67    
Carnitine, free 25-55    
Carnitine, esters 3.8-19    
Amylase 21-101    
Copper 70-155    
Magnesium 1.5-2.5    
Phosphorus 2.5-4.5    
Selenium 110-160    
Zinc, P 60-130    
Vitamin A 38-98   48
Vitamin B1, Thiamine 87-280    
Vitamin B6, plasma 2-26    
Vitamin B12 200-1100   945
Vitamin D, 25-hydroxy 32-100   18.7
Vitamin E 3-15.8    
Vitamin K1 .28-1.78    
Carolyn T.
on 2/15/12 4:14 am

If you hit reply you can see my stats from my bloodwork or most
of them, sorry, not very "techy".

on 2/16/12 3:21 am
Type it all in.  Your formatting is not working and your results don't show up completely even with reply.
