One giant step for me

on 2/4/12 8:03 am
This was my first post about my journey towards revision surgery:

Hello everyone.  I had RNY in Rochester, NY March 2008. 
Highest weight: 357
Day of surgery: 317
Lowest post op: 257 Aug 2009
Current: 309

I am so confused and I am trying to do my research.  Dr. O'Malley did my RNY and when I went back to discuss my regain they basically said "sucks to be you, our surgery's don't fail, it must be you."

I started researching revision and my doctor did a referral to Dr. DiBenedetto also in Rochester who is doing BOB revisions and told me he has had about a dozen patients from Dr. O'Malley who have had a stretched out lower stoma and that BOB has worked for them all because it returns the restriction that the RNY should have retained.  He told me the RNY to DS is "experimental, dangerous, and complicated" I currently have an upper GI and and upper endoscopy scheduled with them to find out what might be going on.

I have also called Dr. Roslin in NYC and I have the number to attend a seminar but I live in Rochester and traveling to the city is going to be costly for me and not that easy but I fear that the DS is really the gold standard of revision.

So please board members give me your input.  I want to know the good and the bad.

Then I went for my upper endo which showed a very small pouch but my lower stoma was completley open.

Flash forward to current day.  I have been struggling with reactive hypoglycemia due to the lower stoma allowing food to move through my system so quickly and stimulating my pancreas to produce too much insulin.  Well I was passed around from my PCP, to Dr. O'Malley the original surgeon, to the ER and I finally landed in Dr. Dibenedettos office.  He was so nice and did a thourough exam even though he was not my original surgeon.  He originally recommended a BOB but after my issues with the hypoglycemia and meeting with me personally he is totally on board with me going to Dr. Roslin in NYS for the revision to DS even though this means this will be one less surgery for him.  The huge part is that I had my mother and partner with me at the appointment and he convinced them to stand by me with this decision.  This is HUGE for me becasue I could't do it without their support.  Count me on that yellow brick road towards my switch!

6/12/12 RNY to DS revision with Dr.Roslin

on 2/4/12 8:19 am - VA
Good for you about  for keeping at the research. I don't know how selective Dr Roslin is about who or how many revisions he does but be prepared to travel. There are only a few good revision surgeons doing RNY to DS these days. Dr Keshishian (sp) and Dr Rabkin in California are 2 others. Dr Elariny does them in Virginia but will explain the pros and cons between a DS and an ERNY, then it's your choice. The RNY to DS revisions I know are Dr Keshishian's patients. I think there a couple more but I don't recall their names at the moment. Perhaps others will chime in. Wishing you all the best. If you haven't seen, it's a great site. Are you on Proboards where the vets have gone? Let me know if you want the link.


5'1" -- HW 195/SW 187/GW 115 July 08/CW 121 Dec 2012

Starting BMI between 35 and 40ish? 
Join us on the
Lightweights Board!
DS on Aug 9, 2007 with Dr. Hazem Elariny

on 2/5/12 1:15 am - bay area, CA
I'm sorry your RNY failed. Note that YOU didn't fail. The operation did. With a wide open stoma, you have absolutely no chance for longterm success, AND have added the reactive hypoglycemia to your list of woes.
     Unfortunately you won't be able to get much support of help here these days, as almost all the vets have moved to a new website. A few of us hang around just for new folks like you. And you will need that support, esp as a revision patient. So come on over to the proboards and meet the gang!

You can pm me or Major Mom for the link. We aren't allowed to post it here.

on 2/5/12 11:08 am
Revision on 06/21/13
 I want to also say , YOU have not failed, it was the surgery that failed. Good for your researching. I am a revision and so thankful I fixed the wrongs. My story is a bit different, but do pick your revision doc carefully, it will mean success when you pick the right one ! 

 Revision #2 Dr John Rabkin June 21, 2013; First Revision DS - Dr Maguire
  5-18-09; First DS 7-15-2003 Dr Clark Warden = Third time is the charm   



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