ATTENTION Dr. Lutrzykowski Patients

on 1/22/12 9:33 am - Sterling Heights, MI
As we've already established. We've all paid a good chunk for aftercare. However, there are only an handfull of us that attend the bi-weekly group meetings. I can say they are very beneficial and the more people the more productive they are.
Tomorrow is the next one. 5:30pm at St. Joes in Pontiac.
So, who's with me. Some of my friends I've met and want to see again, and a few I'd love to meet face to face.
Are you in?
Surgery date 12/6/2011  norahs_here is my angel
on 1/23/12 3:35 am
 Sorry Jean. I probably won't be attending too many meetings. Coming from Lansing, its just farther than I care to drive!  Have fun!
on 1/23/12 9:18 pm - Mason, MI
You live in Lansing?!?!   I didn't know we had an other DSer/Dr. L patient around me!?!

So thankful for my DS! 1/20/2012 - SW 290/CW 155 - 1 year to lose, 1.5 years and counting maintaining! 

A Run With Meghan (My Running Blog)

My First Half Marathon: Fort For Fitness (9/24/2011): 2:22:58
My Frist Marathon: Marine Corps (10/30/2011):
My First Sprint Triathlon: Trek Series (8/7/2011): 1:55:18

on 1/23/12 9:27 pm
 I am actually in Williamston. Sparty, you have no idea how much I "stalked" you right before my surgery!  I loved your blog. It gave me lots of information and inspiration. I  so proud of all you have accomplished!
on 1/23/12 9:33 pm - Mason, MI
Aw, thank you!  It's so nice to hear how my story can be an inspiration to others!  It's nice to be able to pay it foward, since there were so many others around these boards that were such a great inspiration to myself throughout my journey!  We should meet up sometime and have lunch or dinner!  I would love to meet you!  

So thankful for my DS! 1/20/2012 - SW 290/CW 155 - 1 year to lose, 1.5 years and counting maintaining! 

A Run With Meghan (My Running Blog)

My First Half Marathon: Fort For Fitness (9/24/2011): 2:22:58
My Frist Marathon: Marine Corps (10/30/2011):
My First Sprint Triathlon: Trek Series (8/7/2011): 1:55:18

on 1/26/12 3:34 pm - Belleville, MI
I must admit that I too was a "Sparty Stalker" !!!

Would love to meet you sometime Full House Mom! 
                                            Julie R. is my Angel

on 1/23/12 9:19 pm - Mason, MI
I would love to; however, I also live in Lansing and the drive just too far to make! 

So thankful for my DS! 1/20/2012 - SW 290/CW 155 - 1 year to lose, 1.5 years and counting maintaining! 

A Run With Meghan (My Running Blog)

My First Half Marathon: Fort For Fitness (9/24/2011): 2:22:58
My Frist Marathon: Marine Corps (10/30/2011):
My First Sprint Triathlon: Trek Series (8/7/2011): 1:55:18

on 1/24/12 12:39 am - MI
I'd love to attend the support meetings again but I work 2nd shift in Ann Arbor. I live in Jackson and it's just too far to go. I really should be doing some follow up with Dr L I just haven't done it.

Had surgery on March 15th 2005. Start weight was 293 and current weight bounces from 141-148 give or take.

Maybe someday I can revisit. I really miss the support. Drs around here don't seem to understand the BPD/Ds I've noticed

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