Xpost! Update and Questions!

on 1/21/12 3:42 am
I back in Montana now and was discharged from SLC last Tuesday. They removed my draining tube and sent me on my way with antibiotics. I just hope he didn't discharge me to early. My tube was still draining yucky yellow sludge when they discharged me. Granted it slowed down considerably and my CT scan showed my abscess was gone. (note: i hate when they remove draining tubes!!! the feeling is so yucky, i would rather be cute on then have the feeling of a draining tube being yanked out) Yes, that is graphic but truth!

After my discharge I have been feeling off and on. Sometimes ok and sometimes I feel like crap. I am not taking vits right now because my antibiotics will not allow me to take antacids, iron, vits and supplements. I have 5 more days of antibiotics and do plan on hitting the vits right away. Is this ok? Also I am having some seepage from my draining tube sight. It has gone down considerably but is still seeping. It worries me :( Should I wait till my antibiotics are done before I worry about the wound? I am really at a loss.

I feel ok for the most part, I am eating and drinking. I tried incorporating pretty solid meats so far and found out my tummy is just not ready for a steady diet of ham, steak, jerky, and venison. (no surprise i am only 6 weeks out) So I went back to more mushy like foods like yogurt, soup, bacon, beans and tuna w/miracle whip. It just seems that I can't get in the water if I eat the more solid stuff yet. I don't have much real estate. I am getting 52 ounces in and working on my 64! The antibiotics I think are making me a little nauseated but I did incorporate a pro biotic starting yesterday. We will see if that helps with the fluid BM's. I plan to go back to work on Monday.

Anyone maybe give me any advice on my situation? Give me your all-knowing-knowledge!

HW 259          SW 256          CW 141       GW 150

on 1/21/12 7:57 am - VA
I'm so glad you're home and doing so much better. Take it as easy as you can, there's no rush. When you're ready, start adding your vites slowly over several weeks. Stay hydrated and push soft proteins and shakes as you can. Hydration is more important than protein and if you can do shakes, you get both. Egg white shakes are fine if whey is a problem. Hang in there and give me a call if you want to talk.



5'1" -- HW 195/SW 187/GW 115 July 08/CW 121 Dec 2012

Starting BMI between 35 and 40ish? 
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DS on Aug 9, 2007 with Dr. Hazem Elariny

on 1/21/12 10:08 am - Alpharetta, GA
 I can speak to the drain question :) I had plastics on 12/12 and started with 6 drains. I am down to 1 now and they put this one in when I had a revision last week. 

It is normal to keep draining from the drain site for up to a week after the drain is removed. Use a q-tip to put peroxide on the site and change the dressing (a folded up gauze square works nicely), twice per day. Put antibiotic ointment on it after the peroxide. Bacitracin is the ointment of choice. 

If the drainage turns green or smelly, tell your doc. Red, yellow and clear are all fine. I think you'll find it scabs over fairly quickly.

Good luck!


on 1/21/12 1:15 pm
Revision on 06/21/13
You sound like your doing well considering everything. I would not worry about the vits shorterm. Also are you taking a Prohibotic ? since you are on antibiotics ?  It would not hurt and would probably help. Keep focusing on hydration and protein.

 Revision #2 Dr John Rabkin June 21, 2013; First Revision DS - Dr Maguire
  5-18-09; First DS 7-15-2003 Dr Clark Warden = Third time is the charm   



J G.
on 1/21/12 3:31 pm
Danni, the probiotic is  great idea, take it at the mid point between antibiotic doses.
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