Question only for Dr. Marek Lutrzykowski paitents

on 1/9/12 3:30 am - MI
Strange question for all of you who had surgery done by Dr. L:

Did any of you pay $2,000 to attend the group meetings (or $2,000 above and beyond insurance payments directly to Dr. L's offices?).

Please advise.  I am discovering I may have been duped.

thank you

DS Surgery in Detroit Medical Center on 8/17/11.
Start Weight: 386 

on 1/9/12 4:47 am - CA
I didn't use the same doctor, but my doctor also charged a 'program fee' which covered support as well as doctor appointments for the first two years after surgery.
I believe it is very common for DS doctors to charge program fees. Some charge more than $2,000.
on 1/9/12 6:41 am
Nope, you were not duped.   I paid $1,000 for my "aftercare".  I know it went up tho since I had my surgery.  I have never been to one meeting in 2+ years out.  It is just too far away for me to drive every other Tuesday.
~~Never regret something that once made you smile~~

Sharon  (norah's spelled backwards!)
on 1/9/12 11:19 am
I never had to pay the fee with him, I think it was because I was from Canda, Windsor actually. Last I had heard he was charging $1,000 I am guessing business is slow so he increased the price.

on 1/10/12 12:34 am, edited 1/10/12 12:34 am - Mason, MI
Yes, I had a $2,000 surgeon fee to pay.  It is pretty common for surgeon's to have fees outside of what insurance will cover. 

I have never attended any of the group meetings because I
 live almost two hours away.  His fee used to be $5,000 just 3 years ago. 

So thankful for my DS! 1/20/2012 - SW 290/CW 155 - 1 year to lose, 1.5 years and counting maintaining! 

A Run With Meghan (My Running Blog)

My First Half Marathon: Fort For Fitness (9/24/2011): 2:22:58
My Frist Marathon: Marine Corps (10/30/2011):
My First Sprint Triathlon: Trek Series (8/7/2011): 1:55:18

on 1/10/12 5:46 am - Sterling Heights, MI
Hi Holly,
Yes, I paid $2000. That's why I go to all the meetings. I want to get my $$'s worth. I truly believe he charges the fee so that people WILL go. It surprises me how few do.