lap band failure best video I have ever watched
I was sent this from someone on this site and I am so very thankful I want to share as it may help others.
Thank you
I was sent this from someone on this site and I am so very thankful I want to share as it may help others.
Thank you
I thought it was interesting as well and I sent it to my Lap band doc and he said he was stating all of that 10 years ago and now does not agree with it. I have finally decided I have to make the right decision for me. I have placed 3 k down for Dr U and he actually called me tonight to ask me if I had any questions it nearly floored me............. I figured it might have been because I put the money down today however he said he has nothing to do with that as the office deals with the money. I did send him an email confirming my BMI since others on the 2 sites were so surprised but he reassured me he knew and was fine with it. I am comfortable with my decision and I think I made an inform one thanks to these sites.
Thank you
Thank you