Labs Help Please

Larissa P.
on 12/20/11 11:53 am, edited 12/20/11 11:53 am - Denton, TX
Click here to read my labs at google docs.

Here is my current vitamin schedule:

Vitamins Dose/Day Waking Breakfast Lunch Dinner Bedtime
Multivitamin RDV X     X  
Vitamin A 25,000 IU   XX XX   XX
Vitamin D 50,000 IU         X
Vitamin E 400 IU         X
Vitamin K1 1000 mcg       X  
Vitamin K2 150 mcg       X  
Vitamin C 1000 mg     X    
Calcium Citrate 300 mg XX XX XX XX  
Magnesium 150 mg X X X X  
Proferrin Heme Iron 12 mg X       X
Copper 5 mg X        
Vitamin B12 & Folic Acid Sublingual 1000 mcg & 800 mcg X        
B Complex B 50 Complex   X      
Zinc  50 mg         X

Concerns? My iron/ferritin is so low I'm really hurting here. I've been taking 2 Proferrins a day (snapped in half) for a year and obviously it is not doing a damn thing. My doctor is referring me to a hemotologist. What should I tell her?

I don't understand the significance of my AST or my selenium being too high.

My B12 went down when I switched from 5000 mg a day to 1000 mg sublinguals. Should I change back? The doctor gave me a B12 shot today, is that ok? How does that affect my oral dose?

My B6 is also too high. Is this an issue? Should I stop taking my B50 complex seeing how all other B vitamins are in range?

On the other hand, my protein/albumin/prealbumin seems to be good!

I'm not sure what to tweak...and is low but in range mean I should up my doses?
Duodenal Switch hybrid due to complications.
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Sher Bear Mama
on 12/20/11 2:10 pm
 Go visit the other board. A lot of the vets are there so you might get a faster response there. 

Sher--the bear mama

Larissa P.
on 12/20/11 8:13 pm - Denton, TX
Thanks. I posted over there, too.
Duodenal Switch hybrid due to complications.
Click! > DS Documents ~ ~ ~ OH DS FB
on 12/20/11 6:12 pm - VA
I think it's time for iron infusions and you can keep using the Proferrin to help. 2 Proferrin aren't enough. Some of us do best with Tender and Proferrin. These are so low I don't think oral supplements are going to help. You might want to take the Proferrins together and away from other vites.

Try dropping the B-Complex to once a week but you may need to supplement B1 separately.

You could try cutting the selenium back to 5 days a week or every other day.

Try going back on the 5000mcg B12s and only take them 5 days a week but don't start that for 2 more weeks.

Your vitamin K needs a boost. Perhaps increase by another dose of K1 a day. It wouldn't hurt to take 2 K2s.

AST and ALT aren't terribly high. Mine run high like that and Dr E says they really aren't anything to worry about unless they start rising or go much higher.

I think that's all I have. :)


5'1" -- HW 195/SW 187/GW 115 July 08/CW 121 Dec 2012

Starting BMI between 35 and 40ish? 
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DS on Aug 9, 2007 with Dr. Hazem Elariny

Larissa P.
on 12/20/11 8:14 pm - Denton, TX
Thanks, Gina.

Only, I'm not taking any selenium that isn't already in my multi. Odd, huh?
Duodenal Switch hybrid due to complications.
Click! > DS Documents ~ ~ ~ OH DS FB
on 12/20/11 8:53 pm - VA
Sure is. Maybe it's in your water supply too.

5'1" -- HW 195/SW 187/GW 115 July 08/CW 121 Dec 2012

Starting BMI between 35 and 40ish? 
Join us on the
Lightweights Board!
DS on Aug 9, 2007 with Dr. Hazem Elariny

on 12/20/11 8:11 pm

How are you feeling?  My ferritin, TBIC and Iron Sat were pretty low earlier this year and I felt like crap.  Thankfully my PCP understands WLS and ordered infusions.  I could tell a major difference in how I felt within a couple of days.  

Your iron numbers probably won't improve without an infusion at this point.

Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05

 9 years committed ~  100% EWL and Maintaining


Larissa P.
on 12/20/11 8:24 pm - Denton, TX
I agree. And I feel like total warmed-over crap on a plate. Some days I can barely stay awake.
Duodenal Switch hybrid due to complications.
Click! > DS Documents ~ ~ ~ OH DS FB
Larissa P.
on 12/21/11 5:46 am - Denton, TX
Anyone else care to chime in?
Duodenal Switch hybrid due to complications.
Click! > DS Documents ~ ~ ~ OH DS FB
on 12/21/11 7:18 am
I agree you need an iron infusion. Good luck.

start 315lbs lapband feb2006-196 lbs night Reflux bc esophageal dilation,216 lbs band replaced may 2008. Gained up to 286lbs still reflux and regurg Ds March 2011   cw 165 lb    
