Question for those that had an open DS

on 12/15/11 3:26 pm - Carmichael, CA
DS on 12/03/12

Just wondering how bad having an open DS would be vs a lap as the surgeon may only do open, which I am not sure how I feel about it. Just wondering how your personal experiences were with it or if it would be a dealbreaker for you. I know that it comes with more pain. When I had my gallbladder out, it wasn't a cake walk. I was in so much pain they were reluctant to release me and for weeks it was so bad that I had to have someone help me even sit up.

Yehuda G.
on 12/15/11 4:56 pm
It's going to be a harder recovery than lap, but I don't think it should be a deal breaker unless a longer recovery period would keep you from going back to work. I had my RNY revised to the DS open. My recovery was a breeze. I was back to work and school in 10 days. But keep in mind that I'm 23.

I'm jw who's your surgeon. Dr. Rabkin?

on 12/15/11 8:05 pm - OKC, OK
My RNY was open...long before laps were ever done. My revision was open too and I never even thought about it.

It should not be a deal breaker. I would want my surgeon to do what he does best.

My recovery was tough, but was back to work at 5 weeks. I'm in my 60's, not young like Yehuda, so that was probably a factor.
SW  257    CW  169  GW  165
(deactivated member)
on 12/15/11 8:09 pm - Beverly, NJ
There are many benefits from having your surgery open vs lap.  My surgeon only does open so I had to research this as a pre op and I really suggest as well as reading the replies you'll receive you look it up if you are still at all uncomfortable about it.  

An open surgery means:

- Less time under anesthesia because the surgery will be shorter as long as no complications are encountered.  (this was a huge deal for me, less time on the table means less change of anesthesia complications)

- When doing a lap surgery the surgeon will be forced to open you if a complication arises so a lap is never a guarantee anyway.

- When your surgery is lap your skin and muscles heal a little faster but the inside healing is the same.  When having it done lap you run the risk of "over doing it" because you think you're healed sooner when in all reality it's only on the outside that you're healed.  

- My surgeon also explained that since he uses the Hess method having the surgery open allowed him to better measure my intestines.  He also explained that having your surgery open is over all the safest option.  

I have to admit though, I am a little jealous of the lack of scars.  :)  I do love my line though.  It's not as bad as I thought it would be.  

At the end of the day it pretty much boils down to (barring any complications during surgery) surgeon preference.  Changing a surgeon because you want it lap over open isn't the smartest decision in the world :)

Julie B.
on 12/15/11 8:55 pm - OH
I was open. Dr. Maguire only does open. I was under about 2.5hrs. Honestly, I hated the drains and jtube more then having it open. Pain was controlled well before they moved me to my room from recovery, they almost have it down to a science.

My incision looks great. I didn't have staples or sutures! They have some amazing glue! (seriously!). Really though, your insides are just as scrambled doing lap as they are open. Only difference is I think people cut you a little more slack lol since you've been opened from breastbone to belly button! 

Good luck with your choice!

SW - 373 / CW - 179 / GW - 160


on 12/15/11 9:58 pm
I have never had lap surgery so my experience is only based on open surgeries. All three open surgeries I have had sucked.  Having said that though it never would have  been a deal breaker for me for having a DS.  Yes, I had pain, but it was temporary. Around 4 weeks I was doing much better, though still on pain meds. I just kept reminding myself and sometimes MANY times a day, that each day it gets better, even by small amounts. 

There are other ways to help you through the pain. I have not had it but some here have spoken about something called a pain med ball. Maybe someone will pipe up and add their experience on it or you could post a question regarding it then you can go to your surgeon with the info and ask for it.


                   HW (pre RNY) 430 HW (pre DS) 302 / SW 288 /
                          Lowest weight 157 / CW 161
GW 150
                "I'm just one stomach flu away from my goal weight"
on 12/15/11 11:36 pm - Gouverneur, NY
My sugery started out lap and then switched to open because I had to have gallblader out along with the placement of my intestins. My surgeon had told me before he ever started that if needed he would do it open, and I was ok with that. Having your surgery open they don't have to inflate your insides, so you will have pain from being open, but you wont have the gas pain. Either way it hurts but even with that I didn't need any pain meds very long. Was up and walking same night as surgery and out the door on my way home day and half after surgery.


                                               Pain is temporary, the journey is for Life!!!       
(deactivated member)
on 12/15/11 11:37 pm - Bayonne, NJ
I had my RNY open, and my DS revision done open. I have been told by friends who have had lap surgery that the gas was horrendous and caused more pain.

I preferred open because I wanted to make sure the doc could see every last little thing. My scar looks great, it's even better than my plastics scars. I give Greenbaum major props for his scars.
Samaro ..
on 12/16/11 12:22 am
on 12/16/11 1:05 am
My DS was open, and about 18 months later I had a lap hernia repair. There wasn't much difference in the post-op pain.

There's no WAY having to have my Ds done open would ever be a deal-breaker for me.