Has anyone here had an internal hernia or Petersen's hernia?

Felicia S.
on 12/12/11 12:33 pm - Lincoln, NE
I'm almost certain I do have one...my surgeon suspicioned last year when I ended up in the hospital for a couple of days.  Well, I was back in the ER on Friday with gut wrenching pain, vomiting, shaking...etc.  They released me after controlling my pain and said I had the "stomach flu."  I knew they were wrong, but I felt better and was ready to go home.  The next day I felt nearly perfect.  Last year doc described it as if the intestine in the biliopancreatic limb temporarily kinked and then worked itself out.  I'm almost certain that may have happened again.

I am going to contact my surgeon again and will probably undergo exploratory surgery within the next few months, but I was just wondering if anyone of you have had an internal hernia? 

HW 264 SW 248 CW 140.8 GW 140 

A H.
on 12/12/11 1:31 pm
Revision on 02/09/12
Haven't had one but I have heard of other folks having them. They sound extremely serious as if the intestine comes up and twists you can die from it if it gets blocked and then necrotic. If I were you I'd push to get in for a CT sooner rather than later and have them fix it. The CT should show it if it's up where it's not supposed to be.  I saw some gals talk about it on their VLOGs on youtube. Scary stuff. Best of luck to you, I hope it gets resolved quickly!
on 12/12/11 8:40 pm, edited 12/12/11 8:42 pm
I had a Petersens hernia. Mine caused partial obstructions, each resulting in hospital stays, 4...yep 4 times, in 18mos. I had CATs, MRIs, flouroscopy (sp)...all showing POSSIBLE obstruction. No one wanted to believe that it was an obstruction as I could poop and fart. Be aware that because of the bypassed intestines an obstruction may not show up on CAT/MRI.

After the last one and dealing with doctors who had no clue about my DS I put in a call to Dr Stewartin Denton. He didnt do my DS but he was closest to me. He agreed to see me and based on symptoms he decided on exploratory surgery. He felt it was an internal hernia.

Long story short...it was..and it was a big one. He repaired it and said that I shouldnt have any more trouble with it. He was concerned that I had gone as long as I had and said that I was very, very lucky that it had never totally obstructed, especially since it never really showed up on pics and no one seemed to understand my DS innards and kinda foo-fooed the idea.

Dont wait! You never know just when that puppy is gonna totally obstruct. Thats when you will be in big trouble..especially if your surgeon is any distance away.

I thank God for Dr Stewart everyday.

Darlene    DS ..9-19-06
KellyKirk........8-6-07  now our DS FOREVER ANGEL....I will always remember
185# gone forever


Felicia S.
on 12/13/11 7:09 am - Lincoln, NE
That's scary...thank goodness for Dr. Stewart.  Dr. A called me and gave me essentially the same advice that you did.  He is worried about me.  I don't have insurance right now and the last time I applied for Medicaid I was told I made too much money.  I am going to reapply as I make less than I did a few months ago...maybe this time I'll get approved.  They might even retroactively pay my ER visit.  I am out of town right now, but I get back next week and will make it a priority to get my ducks in a row.
HW 264 SW 248 CW 140.8 GW 140 
