Achy Joints?
Hey Guys,
I have had very achy joints for last few weeks, they even ache when I wake up in the morning and are worse after house cleaning or anything strenuous. I haven't been sick with flu or anything and had my flu shot in september.
I need to get my labs done but am without insurance at the moment, so was wondering if there is a particular deficiency that can cause this symptom? I can afford to get some labs done myself and if anyone knows of a particular vitamin or mineral deficiency that may cause this...I can go and get that test done.
thanks in advance for all your wisdom
Yorkie xx
Had a band in 2005 at 280lbs, had band removed and DS done on Jan 22nd 08 at 220lbs in Spain, now 135lbs and a size 4!! Happy as a Clam!!Dontcha love the DS? It's the best tool around!!
0 COMMENTS Mar 30, 2011 | By
Vitamins play a critical role in our daily lives. For those who suffer from joint pain, eating foods that are ri*****ertain vitamins can dramatically help reduce inflammation and aches. Vitamin D is perhaps the most effective vitamin to take when suffering from joint pain and autoimmune disorders like rheumatoid arthritis. If you are on a restricted diet, or are unable to eat enough foods rich in vitamins for combating joint pain, vitamin supplements may be a good alternative. Always consult your doctor before beginning a supplement regimen.
According to the Arthritis Treatment And Relief website, foods that are high in vitamin C, like strawberries and blueberries, may slow degeneration of your joints. Vitamin C is packed with antioxidants that have been shown to control free radicals from adversely affecting joints. also claims that vitamin C is critical in the production of collagen, a vital part of bone and cartilage.
1 Trick to Relieve Joints See How You Can Relieve Your Joints With This Fast and Easy Trick! Sponsored LinksVITAMIN D
Research suggests that vitamin D helps reduce joint pain, according to Vitamin D can play a role in reducing autoimmune disorders like rheumatoid arthritis. A study published in 2008 in the "Journal of the American College of Cardiology" found that half of American adults may be vitamin D deficient, notes The recommended daily allowance for vitamin D ranges between 200 to 600 IU. The actual amount you may require is age-dependent. Food sources high in vitamin D include fortified dairy products, salmon and tuna. Vitamin D supplements may also be a good option for those who do not eat enough of these foods. Vitamin D is also produced naturally by the body through sun exposure.
A number of B vitamins have been known to reduce joint inflammation and pain, according to Foods rich in vitamin B3, such as lean meats, fish, sunflower seeds and cottage cheese are good to incorporate into your diet if your vitamin B3 level is low. The vitamin B5 may also contribute to joint pain relief and can be obtained through foods such as eggs, soybeans, whole grains, lentils and peanuts. Finally, vitamin B6, which occurs in fish, wheat germ, bananas and soybeans, is another B vitamin that may help reduce joint pain, according to the Arthritis-Treatment-And-Relief website.
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Thanks. I was thinking more of whether anyone had suffered joint pain due to a deficiency following DS as opposed to general info for the "normie" population. I had already googled that but was curious about post op's and this symptom
Yorkie xx
Had a band in 2005 at 280lbs, had band removed and DS done on Jan 22nd 08 at 220lbs in Spain, now 135lbs and a size 4!! Happy as a Clam!!Dontcha love the DS? It's the best tool around!!
Admitedly I was not doing very well with my vitamins at that point. When I started taking all my vits and on a regular basis it took a couple of months, but the acheiness did go away.
I have not had my blood work checked recently (next month) so I don't know if my PTH has gone down or not, but from what I read I may very well have been suffering from PTH symptoms. Any way, I did increase my vit. D to 100K a day along with taking Zinc and Copper (I alternate days with that) seemed to help me a lot. It wasn't a quick fix though. Like I said, it took a couple of months for the achiness to subside.
I will up my Vit d in the interim as I only take the vitalady one 4 times a week at the moment
You're a star!
Yorkie xx
Had a band in 2005 at 280lbs, had band removed and DS done on Jan 22nd 08 at 220lbs in Spain, now 135lbs and a size 4!! Happy as a Clam!!Dontcha love the DS? It's the best tool around!!
I am going to ring around this morning to find out what it costs to get pth and Vit D tested. Do the independent lab places need a lab request from your pcp or can you just walk in and request the test??
In the meantime I am upping my 50,000 Vit D to 2 each day for a couple of months and then will retest. The weird thing is when I had my Vit D tested in the Uk my doc said it was "normal" but wouldnt give me the results on paper . I am sick of this achy feeling, they ache even when I'm laying down!!
Yorkie xx
Yorkie xx
Had a band in 2005 at 280lbs, had band removed and DS done on Jan 22nd 08 at 220lbs in Spain, now 135lbs and a size 4!! Happy as a Clam!!Dontcha love the DS? It's the best tool around!!
Hi Guys, just found this online - scared the bejesus out of me that's for darn sure - off to ring Labcorp lol
High PTH levels can occur when the parathyroid glands are stimulated. Sometimes PTH can be controlled by using Vitamin D. In some people the parathyroid glands keep producing more and more PTH. This can cause high calcium levels and muscular weakness with aches and pains around the shoulders and hip joints. Eventually, bone disease with shortening of the ends of the fingers and collarbones may occur. The high levels of calcium and phosphate caused by excess PTH can cause chalk to build up in blood vessels and heart valves (click here for more details on this - known as cacliphylaxis). The treatment in severe cases is surgery to remove the parathyroid glands (click here for more details on surgery).
Yorkie xx
Had a band in 2005 at 280lbs, had band removed and DS done on Jan 22nd 08 at 220lbs in Spain, now 135lbs and a size 4!! Happy as a Clam!!Dontcha love the DS? It's the best tool around!!
on 8/30/12 11:18 am