(deactivated member)
on 12/11/11 9:45 pm - Lancaster, OH
Oh, I was still trying very hard to gain weight the last time you saw me (Party at Sheila's party house, I think).  I was in the high 140's or low 150's.  I WAS a skinny *****  Now I'm a healthy ***** :)

I have GOT to get to your restaurant some saturday in the near future!
on 12/6/11 10:09 am - Knoxville , TN
My dr originally recommended RNY, but after doing my own research I decided that I would be able to live the DS lifestyle more successfully. I went in and talked to my dr and convinced him that the DS was my choice.

My preop requirements were for a 6 month diet and a psych exam. I lost exactly nothing on the preop diet. I weighed 297 pounds (5'5" tall) Then I did my dr's required 2 week liquid diet and lost 11 pounds.

I didn't have any postoperative complications although I did fight against low protein levels. I have always had 1 protein shake per day but recently I've gone to 2. I haven't had labs again since that but my hair has finally stopped falling out so I have high hopes that I've brought my protein up. My diabetes, high blood pressure, & high cholesterol are all resolved.

I'm 17 months out and I've lost around 170 pounds ( I hover around 130 pounds). That's the strangest sentence to write.... My original goal weight was 165 (don't know where the dr got that). My second goal for myself was 150 because it was a normal BMI. I guess I've learns that my DS is in charge and I have absolutely no control!

I don't respond well to white flour or sugar alcohols. I do much better with real sugar in small amounts although it definitely causes gas, but no distress. I can eat pasta in small amounts as well.

I hope this helps some with your decision. My DS is definitely the best thing I've ever done for myself. I truly believe that I saved my own life just like I'd given myself CPR.
"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." ~E. Roosevelt

(Ticker includes 11 pounds lost in pre-op diet.) 

on 12/7/11 1:47 am - Atlanta, GA
I personally had never heard of DS.  One of my mom groups directed me to this website and I found the DS forum during one of the "Surgery Wars"...After researching I knew it was right for me.  I also knew that with the RNY I would be devastated if I regained my weight.

My experiences have loss, stinky farts and poop, rapid weight loss, ability to eat anything and over all happiness. 

My hair has now grown back and life is grand...however the smell is still an issue but soooo worth it! 

Good Luck to you.  You can read more on my profile if you would like.
Valerie G.
on 12/7/11 4:30 am - Northwest Mountains, GA
When I decided to get wls, I researched each and every procedure I could find, and knowing my own weight and diet history, the DS made the most sense for me.  I next set out to find a surgeon, and was lucky enough to have 3 within an hour from me here in Ohio.  My experience was a great one, and my results have me at my goal still now at 6 years post op.  My pre-op weight was 286 and I now weigh between 145-150, right where I like it at a size 8.  My nemesis is pasta, but I have found many other ways to enjoy the wonderful sauces without it.  Other than that, I eat quite liberally, with nothing off limits (but within reason).  I get all my bathroom business done in the morning, and I'm amazed at how much comes out, but that's it for the entire day.  I hope this helps.

DS 2005

There is room on this earth for all of God's creatures..
next to the mashed potatoes

on 12/7/11 5:23 am - Atlanta, GA
I researched the band first and changed my mind after reading more about it on OH and other sites. Then I decided on VSG but decided after reading hundreds of OH posts that the DS was best for me based on how I wanted to eat and live post-op.  I told my PCP I wanted the DS and she was all for it.  Then I went about finding my surgeon.

I have no regrets.  I lost all my weight to under my surgeon's goal.  I maintain a window between 155 & 160 with little effort although I consider myself an athlete and I do swim as my schedule permits.  I chose not to exercise much control over the carbs I eat so I suffer the consequences with gas and frequent trips to the bathroom.  However, if I eliminate the simple carbs (white flour products and sugar), then I don't have the gas and bowel issues.  It's a matter of choice really.  It's best not to get started on simple carbs as they are very addictive.  But I incorporated these carbs to maintain my weight and stop losing cause I will look sickly if I lose any more (I am 5'9), especially since I work out.

The only complication I experienced was an unforeseen issue in the hospital when I had my surgery.  This is why having a good surgeon is so important.  He knew what to do and fixed the problem.  It did, however, set back my recovery and it took me much longer to get back on my feet.

I would not trade any minor inconveniences or even the complications I endured for the lifestyle and health I have now.  I am a true size 8 and I can shop anywhere. I am comfortable on planes now and any chair. I can work out without pain (except for my arthritic knees).  I have a new relationship that is going great. My self-esteem and self-confidence are high.  I am not treated like a second class citizen wherever I go.  I can literally eat what I want and I no longer associate "good" or "bad" with food. Life is beautiful and I wish I had not waited so long to do this.

Starting weight & height: 265/5' 8.5; Goal weight: 160; Current weight: 155

(deactivated member)
on 12/7/11 6:18 am
Hi BigCop,

I was very close to signing the consent to have a RNY when I discovered the DS board by way of our very own Diana Cox posting about it. Once I began research I was convinced it was for me and put a halt to my RNY. I asked the RNY surgeon about the DS and he gave me antiquated information-nothing current at all...which isn't surprising since he did not perform the DS and was selling RNY and Lap Band. I live in NC but went to Dayton Ohio to have my surgery with the great Dr. John Maguire .Preop requirements depend on which insurance you have-they dictate unfortunately. In my case I had cardiology, proved my obesity was ongoing with 5 years of medical records backing me up, pulmonary clearance, gastro clearance including EGD, and Dr. Maguire required you attend his nutritionist classes and attend his seminar concerning all wl surgery choices. Oh and psychological screening.  My surgery was textbook-no leaks, no problems, and after 6 1/2 days in the hospital I went home to my parents house. Stayed there for two months (only because I could) and came back home to NC around the end of January. My highest weight was 323 lbs-my surgery day weight was 301 and I lost 185 lbs, give or take a pound. I fluctuate between 138 and 143, sometimes higher depending on what I've eaten.

As for bathroom trips-immediate post op I had a horrible bout of diarrhea and was put on meds to clear it up. Other than that and learning what foods are my triggers, I've been pretty normal going. Can my farts peel paint? Damn right-but it is controllable by what I eat. I can say I've never smelled a fart that smelled good, DS or not!  I have no problem eating anything except I am still a touch lactose intolerant, can't eat cauliflower due to severe gas, and iceberg lettuce bloats me up bad. That's about it.

Click on the link in my sig line for more info--DS Sticky. Hope this has helped and good luck with your decision.
on 12/11/11 11:00 pm
I chose it for myself, then I consulted with a surgeon who offered all forms of WLS. He agreed that the DS was the best 'fit' for my medical problems and my SSMO.

I've had NO complications specific to the DS. I did develop an incisional hernia, due most likely to having an open procedure and having a HUGE hanging belly pulling on that incision. And I had a bowel obstruction when I was 7.5 YEARS post-op, so I don't think the DS contributed significantly to that.

I'm maintaining a loss of 170 pounds, and I eat pretty much whatever I want, in the quantities I want. This does NOT mean that I'm eating in the quantities I was pre-op---I still have significant restriction, but what I can eat I find more satisfying that I did the enormous quantities that failed to fill me up pre-op. I do eat protein-first, but that's the way I LIKE to eat. (Pass the bacon, please!)

There are no foods that I have problems with, IN MODERATION. A few things, like pasta, when eaten in excess give me gas. I guess the one thing that I can't actually enjoy as much of as I'd like to are grilled veggies. I LOVE onions, green peppers, and cauliflower marinated in Italin dressing, then grilled over an open flame. I can eat them, and pretty much all of them I want, ONCE. But if I eat the left-overs again the next day---I suffer for it. Doesn't mean I don't DO it sometimes, but I know and accept the consequences. (And I plan on staying home the next day!)

Restroom habits---I poop twice, nearly every day. This happens within the first hour after I get up, usually. In 8 years I have pooped in a public restroom MAYBE five times---in other words, about as frequently as I did pre-op.

I am living a far MORE normal liffestyle now than I did for many years pre-op.
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