Who else feels like they eat like a horse!?

on 12/7/11 3:57 am
It is NOT ABOUT THE CARBS for you.  And it is not,  at least not at the moment about WEIGHT GAIN or WEIGHT LOSS.


You need to get AT LEAST 100g of protein in you every day,  and probably more.  If you have any room to eat, it should be protein,  and then maybe a little bit of complex carbs.  If you have room for simple carbs....well you should be using that room for protein.

on 12/7/11 4:52 am
I will get my last labs & the current ones on friday when I see the nutritionist, & get them posted this weekend to check trends.
I know...excuses.. but I don't have gas during the day when I don't drink protein shakes - so I try to get the protein from food; chicken salad , tuna salad, egg salads, ham & seafood salads, basically meat & mayo with seasonings & some celery & onion - and cheese. plus eggs & ham or bacon or both for breakfast; had egg, ham & bacon & cheese bagel for breakfast & 1/2 for after b-fast snack.
Thanks for the info & posting, look forward to getting my labs reviewed.
Love my DS family
on 12/7/11 5:04 am
Would you rather have gas,  or protein malnutrition?

on 12/7/11 5:23 am
ahhh ha! There is is...
I finally found the ferritin on my lab report's last page:
Ferritin: 125.0  
(shows 11-306.0 is normal range)

Pealbumin is:  26.1
(says 17.6-36 is normal range)
on 12/7/11 5:32 am
in July my labs showed:
PTH 90.3    (12-88)
Iron: 99      (37-170)
Albumin: 3.9   (3.5-5.0)
PreAlbumin: 22.1    (17.6-36)
on 12/7/11 6:19 am, edited 12/7/11 6:19 am
 Your PTH is elevated and has been for some time that means.

You need more calcium CITRATE and more DRY VITAMIN D not whatever you're being given.

What was your ferritin and your hemoglobin and what are they now?

Your albumin and prealbumin were low back then too.

You are headed for trouble if you don't deal with these issues now.

You must eat more protein.  You must get in more D and calcium.  Int he correct forms.

And you have to let us know about your ferriting and hemoglobin and the rest of your iron panel.

eta:  your ferritin isn't bad, what about the rest of your iron panel?

on 12/7/11 9:16 am
I have taken the tender dry Vita lady for over a year & a half. Stayed strict with the vita lady DS schedule since surgery. I take her 50,000 & added another 50,000 last month (water based liquid from PCM) I can add another 50,000 dry from vitalady. I am taking the Citrate calcium on her schedule also.
I will get my labs together from before we moved to WA in July & these newest ones I just had done witin a few weeks. On Fri I have the nutritionist appt & will get copies of everything. Thanks for your direction!
love my DS family

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 HW: 260 / SW: 254 / CW: 140 on 01/15/13 Orig GW: 150             ~Jeremiah 29:11  

on 12/7/11 9:46 am
 Good good,  stay on top of everything and definitely do a comparison of everything from July's labs to the present ones.

Also,  vitalady's schedule isn't necessarily right for everybody.  You need more D and calcium.  Otherwise your PTH wouldn't be elevated.

Remember to post all the rest of your iron panel results.

I think it's great that you're paying attention at 2 years out....tweaking is essential,  and it lasts your while life...and the earlier you start paying attention and tweaking your vites as needed,  the better.

Eat lots of protein tomorrow!  