Vitamin and Protein Starter???

Sher Bear Mama
on 11/21/11 2:18 am
Hi all. 
Here is a 2 part question:

1)  I would love to get a good list of vitamins I should start off with to have in my organizer.  I went to vitalady's site and she has pre-packaged  regimens (daily use) and can be purchased for 30, 60, 0r 90 days.  I wasn't sure about ordering these since I wondered a)how much will I be able to take the first month and b)what if her prepackaged regimen doesn't meet my needs?

I'm not worried so much about cost right now--well, I would prefer to purchase vitalady's original starter package in the 2 month form but she only has the 90 day which is over $300 so I'm hoping to build up my supply slowely.  Once I'm into a steady regemin of vitamins I'll worry about getting the best deals.  At this point, I would love the post ops to help me out with a good idea of what I should be buying.  I LOVE the prepackaged idea but wonder if it's a good idea.

2)  Also, would the post ops and vets be able to give me a good idea of what sorts of protein I should stock up on before I go off to the hospital?  I was told I should by isopure (clear) for the days immediately after surgery.  Is this so?  Also, what other protein shakes are good?  I have shown a sensitivity to some sugar alcohols and some dairy.  Who knows what it'll be like after surger so I should be safer than sorry.

Thanks in advance for the help!

Sher--the bear mama

(deactivated member)
on 11/21/11 2:32 am
I would only get samples of protein.  You are not going to believe how much your tastes will change post-op.  Your first month will be made up of getting enough liquids in, everything else is secondary. Be prepared for that because your taste and tolerances for everything liquid also changes.

I would have on hand, mint tea and ginger tea, also maybe a tiny bit of fresh ginger, it is amazing for nausea.  Have a big variety of liquid things to try, you may only be able to tolerate cold or warm or hot and you won't know until you are post-op.

I probably gave away 6 or 7 one and two pund tubs of protein that tasted ok pre-op and tasted horrible post-op.  The only protein I could stomach post-op were Atkin's ready to drink. ( I think thaqt Atkin's has since changed their formula) I could not do anything with sugar alcohols, artificial ingredients, whey or milk for quite a while.  My stomach still does not like pre-packaged, processed foods.

Vitalady's starter packs are just that, they get you started and after your 3 month labs you can tweak as necessary. Some people say she recommends too much but I have found it is easier to get your labs to go down than it is to get them to go up.

Good luck!
Sher Bear Mama
on 11/21/11 3:15 am
I realized right away that this is a posting that you've all seen MANY times.  So, I went back to read the archives.  I've gone ahead and ordered the vita lady prepackaged 60 day and will adjust as needed.

Sher--the bear mama

on 11/21/11 8:51 am - CA
I just couldn't swallow isopure, it tasted so bad.
Most people seem to use whey based protein drinks and bars.
on 11/21/11 9:34 am - MI
For the first six weeks following surgery I took Celebrate chewable Multi w/ADEK & a chewable iron w/C. After six weeks I began following Vitalady's regime. 

I also purchased a whole bunch of protein samples from Vitalady to try following surgery. Some were horrendous after surgery, but now that I'm a few months out and my taster buds have changed AGAIN (be prepared for them to change repeatedly) those same flavors that I poured down the drain and deemed unpalatable are my favorites. Some of my faves are Nectar Twisted Cherry & Fuzzy Navel, BSN Dessert Whipped Vanilla Cream and Banana Cream Pudding and also Designer Whey Vanilla Praline. My surgeon's office carries some protein powders also. I really like their hot chocolate and the vanilla cappuccino as well as the protein gelatin. 

 I am not like I was before. I thought that nothing would change me. ~Sinead O'Connor
on 11/23/11 2:21 pm - Eagle Rock, CA
Hi, about the Isopure (clear).   This is what I was told to drink my 1st 4 days home.   It's 20oz. and 40 gms of protein.  I drank two a day.    I got them at GNC, call GNC to make sure they carry it, I had to go to two to find it.    It is a little sweet, but not bad.;jsessionid=RS55BYK2NZWHWCTLKKEFAFQKNNJISUNE?id=NP-1151

Sher Bear Mama
on 11/24/11 12:40 am
Thanks for the advice Merry.  Did you have Kaiser for your VSG?  I'm with Kaiser and they said the same thing.  I was actually told I could get them from Costco but I didn't find any there.  GNC is perfect.  I'll call them this morning.  Thanks so much!!!!!

Sher--the bear mama

on 11/24/11 1:07 am - Eagle Rock, CA
Yes, I had my VSG at Kaiser West LA.     Everything went perfect, I am feeling great.

I've never seen it at Costco.   Costco does carry the Premier ready made protein shakes, but it's not clear, so can't have it the 1st few days home.    The GNC near me, Eagle Rock Mall, doesn't carry the clear Isopure, I had to go to the Glendale Galleria to get it.    

Congratulation on your up coming surgery.    You should be on puree foods by Christmas ;-)

Sher Bear Mama
on 11/24/11 1:13 am
I just KNEW you were from Kaiser.  I wanted to do my surgery in LA as well but the only surgeon who does the DS (Duodenal Switch) is in Harbor City (South Bay).  So I'm driving all the way from Moorpark (East Ventura County) to Harbor which is about 60-some miles.  Fortunately, they are reimbursing me for the drive (and even pay for two or three nights at a hotel for family if I want).

I did see the Premier protein shakes at Costco and plan to buy those as well.  But the Isopure is the key for the first few days as least so off to GNC I go!

Thanks for the help Merry and thanks so much for your concern.

Sher--the bear mama

(deactivated member)
on 11/24/11 2:10 am
First off, let me congratulate you on choosing the DS.  It is the one bariatric procedure that you have to work *very* hard to mess up, when it comes to weight loss. That said, if you can't commit to the vitamin and supplement regimen, at least 95% of the time (we're human - everybody can't be 100% all the time!) it can make you very sick, and can even kill you!  Not trying to scare you, but this is a very serious surgery! Vitamin and mineral supplementation are non-negotiable for DSers!

The plain Isopure is basically unflavored whey protein isolate. I use NOW brand unflavored whey protein isolate.  there is a difference between whey protein and the isolate form.  You may be lactose intolerant after surgery, and the isolate has most of the lactose removed.  Straight whey protein does not.  In fact. it landed me back in the hospital for rehydration 48 hours after I was released, due to dehydration. (the "runs").  I was already lactose intolerant, and the DS made me moreso.  After almost three years, it has improved, and as your surgery "matures", digestive issues you may have will improve.  My source for vites and supplements is .  You can get the higher IUs (example Dry A 25,000IU, Dry D 50,000 IU) of dry fat soluble vites from them, ( do *not* get the little oil-filled ADEK supplements.  you will not absorb them! All your fat solubles must be in dry, water miscible form) as well as ten pound bags of  unflavored whey protein isolate (NOW brand). You can flavor them with anything you like that way, and don't get burnt out on chocolate, vanilla and strawberry.  I make a hazelnut decaf protein shake with mine, and i'm perfecting a high protein egg nog for the holidays!  Some supplements, like the daily multis (Equate = generic Centrum) and calcium citrate (also Equate), you can get at Wally World.  Here's my list - this is just what I do, you will have to tweak after your first couple labs to adjust to your individual needs.   My surgeon orders labs every 6 months for DSers, since we are prone to deficiencies.  Sorry if the list format gets messed up from cut and paste.  NUTS are pretty much useless to us, as most of them don't take the time to learn the different nutritional requirments of each surgery. Remember immediately post-op:  fluids first, protein next, supplements next.  It will take a while to get everything in, as your new stomach will probably only hold 3 ounces max.

Jazzbabe's Duodenal Switch LIFETIME Nutritional Requirements
  4 Complete Multivitamin/Mineral Tablets daily (Centrum Complete-type supplemented with NOW Multivitamin/Mineral Liquid)    (2400 mg) Calcium Citrate with Vitamin D Tablet daily (supplemented with NOW Cal-Mag with D Liquid)   1-2 1000 ml B12 shots monthly, IM (shots are easier for me- you can do sublingual B12 tablets if you want)   100 mg Thiamin (Vitamin B1) Weekly   650 mg Iron weekly taken with 500 mg Vitamin C   64+ oz of hydration daily, preferably H2O   90-100g protein daily (from supplements and diet)   B Complex 50 – 2 tabs daily   Chelated Zinc - 40 mg daily   Dry Vitamin A – 25,000 IU weekly   Dry Vitamin D – 50,000 IU weekly   Dry Vitamin E – 400 IU weekly   Dry Vitamin K 1- 800 mcg weekly   Dry Vitamin K 2 – 10,000 mcg weekly
