Transfer addiction resources please
don't be too hard on yourself - I know it could happen to me too tho I have never really cared for booze and have watched a few self-destruct that way. I had a couple a few months back and realized I was getting something from it that I never used to and and could surely make a habit of it, much to my surprise. I made sure I didn't but that did scare me and made me realize how easily it could happen.
I was looking thru all the AA type books in the self help section of Barnes and Nobles yesterday with an AA friend and I saw lots of addiction type books that could help you. I didnt exactly see anything mentioning cross addictions & WLS but if something does exist you might find it online thru their site or even Amazon.
Good luck! I seem to be always be surrounded by people who are addicts of some kind tho food & shopping have been my problem ones.
I was looking thru all the AA type books in the self help section of Barnes and Nobles yesterday with an AA friend and I saw lots of addiction type books that could help you. I didnt exactly see anything mentioning cross addictions & WLS but if something does exist you might find it online thru their site or even Amazon.
Good luck! I seem to be always be surrounded by people who are addicts of some kind tho food & shopping have been my problem ones.
It is truly the special people in life who get the chance to experience the joys of life at a level that feels as glorious as heaven and the lows in a way that the very act of existing causes an aching, radiating pain you would crawl out of your own skin to escape. You are the Rembrandt's and the van Gogh's and the Da Vinci's among us... spreading beauty through a gloriously experienced life. There's no sleep walking for you... it's every moment lived. I know such existences carry a burden.. but you're a gift to all the rest of us who fail to see and experience life with such fullness. The bottle hasn't beaten you because you've called in the troops. Don't isolate. Live transparently when it comes to this addiction, and live it around people who have the ability to say no for you when you feel weak and are having trouble saying it for yourself. Again... don't isolate... not while the bottle is knocking at your door. And tell on yourself every time - even if it's just that you almost slipped or thought about slipping - and feel the love of everyone coming to your aid, bolstering the walls of your resolve with their own hands and shoulders. You are only alone in this if you want to be... and I am sooooo glad you chose not to be alone. In God's grace we go.... God bless you. You probably saved a life just by sharing what you're going through.
No one ever sets out with the ambition in mind of developing a problem, Becky. It unfortunately can happen to anyone, not just the "bad" people. Many good people (like yourself) too get caught up in addiction's grip. I work with people who have substance use issues, so you will get no judgment from me at all. Ive seen many many many wonderful people who just got a little lost somewhere along the way. Be totally proud of yourself for recognizing you need help and the strength it took for you to get it. I know I sure am for you, even though I dont know you. It takes balls to admit when there is a problem and guts and incredible courage to do something about it. Good for you, girl!!! Congratulations to you for making a plan to get your 24 hour chip. Just take it one day at a time and I wish you nothing but the best for you.
Good luck
Good luck

My signature is in the witness protection program