Pre-ops and some Post-ops!
Great PSA!
Fortunately I am blessed with a PCP who listens to me about things when it comes to my ds and anatomy. Why I shouldn't take certain kinds of meds, etc. He even has written prescriptions for me so that I can get my iron now through my insurance as opposed to the otc I was taking... so much cheaper and my iron numbers went up 5 points in a month. (I wasn't quite in mid range for iron 2 months ago so I wanted to nip that in the bud and get it to the high normal range asap).
Fortunately I am blessed with a PCP who listens to me about things when it comes to my ds and anatomy. Why I shouldn't take certain kinds of meds, etc. He even has written prescriptions for me so that I can get my iron now through my insurance as opposed to the otc I was taking... so much cheaper and my iron numbers went up 5 points in a month. (I wasn't quite in mid range for iron 2 months ago so I wanted to nip that in the bud and get it to the high normal range asap).
I spent the last 6 months educating my PCP. Spoke with him about the need for regular labs, gave him many articles to read, kept him informed of what the surgeons office had me do (psych test, nut, exercise, etc). He was great, totally on board.
Then I got a letter from my insurance company 3 weeks ago saying my PCP would no longer be on my insurance plan as a provider! OMG, I was so pissed off! I had to scramble to find a new PCP asap!
I found who I wanted, he was my PCP when I was working at the hospital (before I got married and ins changed), so he knew me and took me back (even though he wasn't offically accepting new patients. I made an appointment with him, did some speedy education on him, took my "folder of DS" in with me, showed him the results of tests, etc (and gave him copies) and told him what labs I needed from him. Now he's on board.
Then, I got another letter from my insurance company about how they made a mistake and I could stay with the first PCP! ~sigh~
I'm not moving.
Then I got a letter from my insurance company 3 weeks ago saying my PCP would no longer be on my insurance plan as a provider! OMG, I was so pissed off! I had to scramble to find a new PCP asap!
I found who I wanted, he was my PCP when I was working at the hospital (before I got married and ins changed), so he knew me and took me back (even though he wasn't offically accepting new patients. I made an appointment with him, did some speedy education on him, took my "folder of DS" in with me, showed him the results of tests, etc (and gave him copies) and told him what labs I needed from him. Now he's on board.
Then, I got another letter from my insurance company about how they made a mistake and I could stay with the first PCP! ~sigh~

I'm not moving.

Just have to repeat what the vets said. Do NOT proceed with your DS until you have a PCP that is either informed or is willing and able to be informed.
My wifes PCP is different than mine and although he is interested in learning all about the DS he is older than dirt and the age shows through big time, I doubt he would be able to handle a DS patient. My PCP on the other hand is WONDERFUL! I am her first DS patient but she has been on the boards to learn all she can. She's been to all the websites and even read through my packet of information and has met with Greenbaum to learn all she can (she is aware that there is more info on here than what he's going to give her). I meet with her at least once a month to document the extra skin on my belly so that we can prepare for the future TT insurance request and every time I see her she is filled with even more information than the previous visit.
My wifes PCP is different than mine and although he is interested in learning all about the DS he is older than dirt and the age shows through big time, I doubt he would be able to handle a DS patient. My PCP on the other hand is WONDERFUL! I am her first DS patient but she has been on the boards to learn all she can. She's been to all the websites and even read through my packet of information and has met with Greenbaum to learn all she can (she is aware that there is more info on here than what he's going to give her). I meet with her at least once a month to document the extra skin on my belly so that we can prepare for the future TT insurance request and every time I see her she is filled with even more information than the previous visit.