Just moved to soft foods... any recommendations, wisdom?

on 11/16/11 11:11 am - Woodstock, GA
And to you... thanks for your comments!
I hope you dance with enthusiasm... and a million other things joyful!
on 11/16/11 11:15 am - Baltimore, MD
 As a local who attends Dr. Smith's support groups I can also attest that the vast majority of the information is geared toward RNY and VSG patients.  Most of the postop DS folks are 2-5 years out and have incorporated more carbs into their diet as they're in the "maintenance and beyond" phase.  One group leader actually said that post op DS folks should **avoid fat** because they'll end up with "oil slicks" from a high fat diet.  I can imagine that "super" high fat could cause that (vets, please correct me if I'm wrong) but as other have said - fats should absolutely be part of a postop DS diet whereas carbs should be a low as possible.  This misinformation is likely why there was a postop DS patient saying she was having trouble elevating her Vitamin D levels then going on to say she was taking prescription Vit D2 (oil based)... sigh.

I'll say it once, I'll say it a thousand times.  Thank God for this site and the knowledgeable folks who continually contribute!
Elizabeth N.
on 11/17/11 12:29 am - Burlington County, NJ
I don't know what an "oil slick" is, unless people mean they **** themselves with fat globules.

When I poop, there is always fat visible on top of the water. You see the rainbowish shimmer. This is totally normal, nothing to gross you out.

We NEED a certain amount of fat for health. A common number that gets tossed around is 30 grams per day on a 2,000  calorie diet.

For a DSer, in order to absorb 30 grams of fat, you need to consume AT LEAST 150 grams. That is the equivalent of a stick and a half of butter a day. That's how malabsorption works.

And all that non absorbed fat comes out in the toilet, and YES you will see it in the toilet. This is NORMAL.

on 11/17/11 9:38 am - Baltimore, MD
 EN - Oil slick meaning frequent uncontrollable liquid fatty stools.  I'm glad you wrote about the fat on the top of the water.  It makes sense (the fat's gotta go somewhere!).  It'll be great to crap rainbows! ...even if they're fatty rainbows! 
Elizabeth N.
on 11/17/11 10:36 am - Burlington County, NJ
If you eat too much fat, then yeah, you'll get the trots. But how much is too much varies from one person to another. There is no reason to harbor a fear of fat, not to mention to spread the cultic practice of saying fat is bad and we must eat low fat as the (@*#(@)@) NUTS do (they are brainwashed).

We must cut the carbs and increase the fat. Some people are more sensitive to fat than others. So you need to find your own proper amount that keeps you pooping properly.

on 11/16/11 11:22 am
A few more 'noobie' links. (Dang - sorry they aren't hot but I'm tired and want to go to become a sloth on the couch.)

on 11/16/11 11:30 am - Woodstock, GA
Not a problem... hot ot not... they are welcome.
I hope you dance with enthusiasm... and a million other things joyful!
Elizabeth N.
on 11/17/11 12:26 am - Burlington County, NJ
Other than the concept of diet progression during the recovery phase, you can pretty much ditch every bit of nutritional information you were given in that practice. They give their DSers RNY information, and it just ain't so.

Early soft foods that worked well for me included stuff like:

Greek yogurt
tuna salad (plenty of real mayo)
egg salad (ditto)
scrambled egg sometimes (eggs were iffy for quite some time)
white types of fish like tilapia, cod, etc.
the insides of a Taco Bell taco, no salsa added
a little bit of VERY cooked roast beef shredded in gravy
ditto for some Christmas turkey (which was three weeks to the day postop *g*)
a little cooked carrot

Many people report doing well with mashed potato to which they have added some unflavored protein powder. Taters were the very devil for me for at least the first year, but YMMV.

on 11/17/11 10:23 am - Woodstock, GA
Wow, E!  You've given me some very good info and I believe what all are saying about giving RNY info to DSers.  I will definitely try all that you've mentioned to see how I fare, one day at a time.  Especially with T-day next week.  Turkey cutlets in gravy.  mmmm 

Everyone has been EXCELLENT at giving information and advice and I appreciate it! Though I've been on the OH site since April, I have no idea why I wasn't on this piece of it before now.  Well, I can't change that.  Now I know.  So, I will continue to peruse all the posts to try to minimize redundant questions.  However, I ask for grace if I slip up and ask one that's already been asked.  It's going to be difficult to get through and absorb all the millions of questions (exaggeration but not by much, he he he).  

Thank you to all!
I hope you dance with enthusiasm... and a million other things joyful!
on 11/20/11 4:25 am - Woodstock, GA
Hi, there, EN... You are a wealth of info and I hope you don't mind me asking you another question.... I've read all the responses and have also tried searching the site and many of the links provided and see many references to what food was eaten but, nothing on how much was eaten nor at what point.  Do you have any links or info to share on what is average amount eaten at what point in recovery... say 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 1 year? 

Thanks for your help!
I hope you dance with enthusiasm... and a million other things joyful!