14 months out and emotional(pics)

on 11/15/11 12:25 am - Somerset, KY
It could be that I'm getting ready to start but I think it's the pics. I'm not where I'd like to be at 14 months out but I'm pretty damn happy with how far I've come. I wasn't going to share this month because I figure y'all are gettin tired of me but then I seen something. I realized just how big I was. How much happier and healthier I am. No high Blood Pressure. No Cholesterol. Was on 3 different meds for these. My labs are wonderful and those that aren't are trending in the right direction.

One big thing is I have Bipolar Disorder. My meds have started working better because of the weight loss. My doctors are tickled to death. I feel like this giant fog has been lifted that I walked around in for 15 years. Everything is clearer now. Life is good. I totally freakin LOVE my DS. You guys are awesome!!! Thanks for everything!

Now the pics: First, this photo blew my mind this morning. I don't remember being this big. This girl was so unhealthy and very sad. I cried this morning when I compared my pics.


Then this morning. Not perfect but wow what a difference 14 month have made.


This is the view that really got me this morning!!

Look at the difference

I'm starting to get a nice ass!! LOFL!!


Look at that and tell me, does that look like the same person?? It sure as hell doesn't look or feel like it to me.

Thanks for sharing in my emotional day. Hopefully the next time I post pics it'll be one of a scale saying 1 anything! Love you guys!



 tazmaddy34 is my HW/SW/CW/GW 346/335/183/150   5'4.25"



on 11/15/11 12:38 am - Louisville, KY
DS on 02/27/12
Ruby! Holy Cow! You are so dang cute! Freakin' awesome!

on 11/15/11 4:26 am - Somerset, KY
Thanks, sweetie. You're too kind!!



 tazmaddy34 is my HW/SW/CW/GW 346/335/183/150   5'4.25"



(deactivated member)
on 11/15/11 12:46 am - PA

You have ROCKED that DS!!! Way to go!  You def. do not look like the same person.  What a wonderful feeling it must be to feel healthier!  I'll get there ;)

Looking forward to more pics on your continued success!!

on 11/15/11 4:28 am - Somerset, KY
To be healthier is so awesome!! You will get there. All the little things is what you notice most of all!!



 tazmaddy34 is my HW/SW/CW/GW 346/335/183/150   5'4.25"



Kathleen F.
on 11/15/11 12:48 am, edited 1/25/12 8:34 am

I love watching your progress. You look wonderful! It is amazing to see one's own progress, isn't it? [edited to remove personal information]

I have always felt that getting the surgery was a trade off. Exchanging one set of medical issues for another. But, oh, how much better my quality of life is now! I don't regret it a bit.

on 11/15/11 4:30 am - Somerset, KY
Thank you! It is amazing! Desperate is exactly how I felt in that first pic. I knew I had to have the DS. After a long fight I was 2 days away from surgery. This has been so life changing.



 tazmaddy34 is my HW/SW/CW/GW 346/335/183/150   5'4.25"



on 11/15/11 1:22 am - Provo, UT
You look beautiful, and back then your beauty was just about completely hidden by the weight you were carrying around. Keep up the great work!
               Recovering from the Duodenal Switch~
                HW - 495 / CW - 382 / GW - 175    Joanne B. is my Angel 
on 11/15/11 4:32 am - Somerset, KY
Thank you. This morning,looking at my pics, my DH was like, I don't remember you like that. He has always thought I was beautiful. Love is blind.  I know I didn't see me like that. Didn't really see it until today. I mean REALLY see it!



 tazmaddy34 is my HW/SW/CW/GW 346/335/183/150   5'4.25"



on 11/15/11 1:45 am - TX
thanks for paying it forward!
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