
I need an Attitude Adjustment please

on 11/12/11 1:00 pm
First, I'm EXTREMELY in love with my weight loss thus far. I've already lost 105 lbs in 5 months. Amazing.

I am seriously ******g myself off but I don't care. What's my problem? I 'kinda' try to get all my protein in, I can't stand any protein shakes(taste wise). I TRY to remember to take my Vitamins.  I've become extremely lazy about taking care of myself and that's how I became obese in the first place. I've lost all interest in food. Especially since the foods I love the most I can't eat anymore (carbs! spaghetti...mmm). Please kick me in the ass. I have labs again next month. The first time I got labs at 3 months out I had no idea what they meant and didn't bother asking. 
Why the hell am I acting this way?? 

***insert asskicking here***
on 11/12/11 1:10 pm - Kennewick, WA
Self sabotaging? Get some therapy. Also, stop being a dumb ass. You could lose your teeth, or um, your life and that would kinda suck. Just start tomorrow. Just do it. You're life is on the line.

On the bright side of Spaghetti, you can have it low carb if you use mung bean noodles. Not the clear ones, they are a green type color. The report on them is that they are quite good and have 20g of protein a serving.
on 11/12/11 3:13 pm - west monroe, LA
 Well I have only been out of surgery almost 2 weeks but I think I can lift my leg high enough to plant it squarely in your butt.  wham"""
Just think about all those people who want/need the surgery and cant have it.
Arnold  HW 330  Pre Surg  300
on 11/12/11 7:29 pm
I've already lost 105 lbs in 5 months. Amazing.

Great! So now you can be a thin corpse...or at least one who is gonna whine cause "Im so sick..I'm losing my sight, bone mass, muscle strenght, teeth, have tremors", etc.

We've kicked around the idea of a pre-op DS IQ test and you are the perfect example of why its needed.Some people just shoudnt have a DS. Sounds like you are one of em.

You really have only 3 options..1. get your DS undone so you can eat all the carbs you want and not worry about vits and supps  2. get your ass in gear and take your vits and supps and get your protein in whether you like it or not  3. die..a slow painful death. 

I've become extremely lazy about taking care of myself

Not lazy...STUPID.

Darlene    DS ..9-19-06
KellyKirk........8-6-07  now our DS FOREVER ANGEL....I will always remember
185# gone forever


on 11/12/11 8:09 pm
You have been sabotaging your health your whole life.  We all did.

The DS operates on your body, not on your mind/psyche.  Get yourself into therapy.
on 11/12/11 9:19 pm
And if all of the above advice doesn't do it, I will try to appeal to every woman's nightmare:  YOU WILL LOSE YOUR HAIR!!!!!

Seriously, if you don't believe me, just scan these posts for hair loss topics. 

I'm taking off my steel-toe boots now......

I.  am.  not.  a.  doctor.

HW 250ish  SW 219  CW 110  LW 100


on 11/12/11 9:28 pm
Do you deep down consider yourself unworthy of looking this good?  Examine those feelings.  We go through a huge change in how we view our bodies.  Personally, my own depression came back when I started to look REALLY good after DS.  Go figure.  I got back on my anti-depressants, and it's all good now.  But I had to come to grips with the fact that I'll be on them probably for the rest of my life.  And I don't consider myself "depressed" at all, I'm one of the most outgoing, happy people I know.  I am laughing all the time.  I really think we need another name for it instead of "depression". 

Love yourself.  Be nice to you.  Be good to you.  Don't berate yourself in your head.  Tell yourself how good you look today.  Dwell on the positive things you did today, not on how much you did NOT get done at the end of the day.  Live in the NOW.  Stop and smell the flowers in the grocery store and close your eyes while you do it.  Hug your (significant other) and hold on for longer than usual.  At the end of the day, tell yourself that you did a very good job today.  Pay attention when someone else gives you a compliment, and say "thank you, I appreciate that". 

I.  am.  not.  a.  doctor.

HW 250ish  SW 219  CW 110  LW 100


on 11/12/11 10:02 pm, edited 11/12/11 10:04 pm
 105 lbs in 5 months is a LOT of weight.  Very early on when the scale was dropping a pound or two a day for me, I felt overwhelmed by it.  I wanted to block it out and I did sabatoge the wt loss some because it falling so fast made me feel nervous.  It was a run away train and it scared me, changing soooo fast.

Someone mentioned hair loss -- that was a motivating factor for me to work hard to get in my protein.  Seriously.  I did not want to go almost bald.  (I did lose hair, but many people didn't notice.)

To me, it kind of sounds like you're feeling a little overwhelmed and you're wanting to turn your back on some things.  The wt loss will slow down... way down if you're like me.  I'm having to work at losing wt now and I'm 11 months post op.  We've lost the same amount of wt but you in less than half the time.  

The food satisfaction issue will get better.  It probably won't be what it once was, but I will tell you I ate pasta all day yesterday!  And it was Great!!!!!  I had been missing pasta, too.  And, this was the first time I was able to actually chow down on pasta.  My tummy (coming and going) did just fine with it.  And, I enjoyed the taste, etc., tremendously.   The scale is not happy with me.... but I've got plans for addressing that over this next work week.  

Breathe .. just take a moment ... make sure you're getting your calcium in.  You can't make up for lost calcium.  The other stuff you can replenish (as I understand it) but the calcium gets leached from your bones and you can't really do anything about replenishing it.  So... while you're going through this head in the sand period, take your calcium.  

Play around with some new foods you didn't like before wls.  I never liked feta cheese before surgery.  Now it's great!  ... Explore.  Find new things to like.  And look for new places to get that ahhhhhh feeling.  Massage?  Jogging?  You're missing the aahhhhhhhh pasta used to give you, the food chemical fix.  It can be frustrating that it's (mostly) gone, but it was an anvil around my neck.  

Good luck!!!
on 11/12/11 10:46 pm, edited 11/12/11 10:47 pm
 Ohhh.. I forgot to tell you.  Try Jay Robb's protein powder.  I use the Egg White version instead of the Whey (I'm sensitive to casien, the milk protein).  It's the best protein powder I've found.  Much better than any others I've tried.  It makes getting in your protein MUCH less work!!!
on 11/13/11 12:58 am, edited 11/13/11 1:00 am
You could be lucky enough to hook up to a bag of nutrition each night, it's tasteless. I didn't taste any of it last night.

I can't even begin to explain the toll it takes on our bodies. Screw hair loss, how about irreversible heart damage? I am still waiting for my heart palps to stop.
Our bodies literally eat itself while we aren't giving it enough nutrition. The heart is a muscle.

Please stop the insanity and drink a few stinkin shakes. And consider this, eating might just not be enjoyable for now, but it's your job to build up your capacity with protein. We used to make a hobby out of eating.
Just do it.

5'1 HW 298 CW 118

"Making America skinny, one slap atta time!" -Slap Chop Dude
