Update with pics
Sorry I've been MIA but wanted to share the latest with you all.. I am 16 months out 225 to 114 I have had luck on my side and have had zero issues except the hair loss at 4 months out.. have it all back now just a wee bit thinner. Blood work keeps coming back good and was told by my doctor that I am the first patient ever that she has told that my cholesteral is to low and I should eat more fat
Some days I'm not very hungry (rarely) other days I eat like a freak'in linebacker.. Can eat just about anything except Flour tortilla's and white bread by themselves. If I have substantial protien with them the effects aren't as bad. Taking a pro-biotic twice a day keeps the gas away....lol If I miss a night or two.. WATCH OUT !!
I feel and eat normal.. DS is the best thing that ever happen to me and was sooooooo worth the fight. At one point I remember ALMOST settling for the RNY.. Thank you God and THANK YOU my friend for keeping me on the sane path
Warmest wishes,
slow or fast, you will reach your goal before you know it

keep rock'in your DS.. it's a BEAutiful thing..
How long did it take you to reach goal?
Thanks for sharing.