Two Year Update and Thanks (Long and with Pictures)

Blank Out
on 10/31/11 4:07 am
 Fabulous is what you are!  
HW/ 302  SW/287  CW/140  GW/135

NoMore B.
on 10/31/11 11:21 am
 Thanks!  The picture with the dress is from our trip to Arizona.  Cant say enough how much we loved it there.
on 10/31/11 4:10 am
 Wonderful update!  Thank you for sharing.  Holy cow you look AMAZING!!!!!
Banded in 2001 at 217 lbs - Band to DS revision 10/25/11 at 310 lbs
If life with your band sucks, you are not alone and it's not your fault.  Check out the failed lap band group!

NoMore B.
on 10/31/11 11:21 am
 Thank you.  Hope you're doig well with your recovery
on 10/31/11 4:11 am - Central, FL
 What a great update, Joanne and you definitely help others by paying it forward. I have loved watching your journey and seeing all of the changes. It couldn't have happened for a nicer person. I am just so happy for you! 

 My DS   
SW/263  CW/136 GW/150

NoMore B.
on 10/31/11 11:23 am
 Thanks Renee
I used to stalk your profile so many times!  We're the same age, same height, same plastics - I only hope I some day look half as good as you do
on 10/31/11 11:27 am - Central, FL
 You look AMAZING! No need for wishing!

 My DS   
SW/263  CW/136 GW/150

Amy Farrah Fowler
on 10/31/11 4:37 am
 What a fabulous update, and results! And I didn't see the part about dying being reasonable alternative as over dramatic. I felt the same way.

It's not only great for the rest of us who used to feel the same way to see your wonderful changes, but inspirational for those who are just starting the journey, and may be in that same place. Thank you for this update.
NoMore B.
on 10/31/11 11:24 am
 Thanks for understanding.  I didnt mean to scare anyone.  I didnt truly expect that I was going to die from my surgery, but felt like I was at the point where I was ready to risk it.
on 10/31/11 5:02 am - TX
thanks for paying it forward!!