i paid it forward!

on 10/23/11 2:52 am
I'm in school full time, and the girl i sit next to in class is SMO.  She's very friendly, and we're constantly chatting, but of course, you can't very well just tell her she oughtta have the DS.  So I had been trying to come up with a tactful way to mention it.

One day I was wearing an outfit that she commented on, and she said "I could never wear that".  And so I confessed that I'd had WLS and that it was quite different than the ones she's probably familiar with.  Her sister has been considering RNY, etc...  so anyway, i gave her some information, i guess it's up to her to look into it!

Twyla S.
on 10/23/11 6:38 am - Chattanooga, TN
 Good for you!  I did that the other day while waiting on my daughter to have her ultrasound.  This very blunt older lady was sitting next to me and asked me why I had to use the O2, so I explained that my dumbass smoked for years and that I was fat, so it exacerbated the situation, but that I was having surgery soon, so I might not have to use it all the time afterwards.  Of course, she automatically assumed I was having gastric bypass, so here went the longggg explanation as to WHAT is was I was having...LOL  I have to say, the lady acted kind of excited that it was something different, as she was MO herself.  Who knows?  Maybe they will look into it......

 Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life; define yourself. ~Harvey Fierstein
on 10/23/11 11:24 am - Dona Ana, NM
That was very good of you 
on 10/23/11 12:59 pm
Revision on 06/21/13
 Woo HOO for paying it forward !  

 Revision #2 Dr John Rabkin June 21, 2013; First Revision DS - Dr Maguire
  5-18-09; First DS 7-15-2003 Dr Clark Warden = Third time is the charm   


