Crossville, Cookeville area DS Get together?

on 10/21/11 10:34 am - Crossville, TN
 Hi everyone,

It has been awhile since Crossville and Cookeville and surrounding areas have gotten together.

Hopefully we can get John, Ronda, Felicia and everyone else together.  

Carol I'm sure your up for it as long as your knee is feeling better. Which I hope all went well with that.

Maybe we can get together in Cookeville on a Saturday afternoon or evening.

Anyone else up for it?

on 10/21/11 11:58 am
Sounds good to me.  I've thought about it when I wasn't on here then when I get on here, it slips my mind.  Name the time and place & we'll see who we can scare up.

I'm not running any marathons (nor do I plan to do so ever) yet my knee isn't slowing me down from too many things. 

Hope to see you and lots of others soon. 

"Our ultimate freedom is the right and power to decide how anybody or anything outside ourselves will affect us."  Stephen Covey

Don't litter!  Spay or neuter your pet

on 10/21/11 1:05 pm
I am in Indiana but our Daughter lives near Cookeville and we get down that way a few times a year. I will keep a eye on this thread and if there is something going on when we are in the area we may join you guys if that's OK.

Switched 9/21/2011 By Dr. Inman
HW    368
SW    328
CW    180

GW 180 (or less to get to a normal BMI)






on 10/21/11 1:15 pm
Let us know when you're down this way, pk****ch, and we'll make something happen:)  Just drop us a note here or on the TN forum.  It's so nice to meet others and share tips and experiences.  Learning and fun combined!

"Our ultimate freedom is the right and power to decide how anybody or anything outside ourselves will affect us."  Stephen Covey

Don't litter!  Spay or neuter your pet

on 10/21/11 1:29 pm
Thanks, not sure yet when our next trip will be, maybe sometime over the holidays if I am up for it by then.

Switched 9/21/2011 By Dr. Inman
HW    368
SW    328
CW    180

GW 180 (or less to get to a normal BMI)





