OT disgusting true tale from the annals of Stories of Guts & Pyloric Valves

Ms. Cal Culator
on 10/20/11 12:06 pm - Tuvalu

My BILs innards are screwed up beyond belief...both in terms of his arteries AND his as concerns his guts.

He has ALL kinds of problems...starting with a hx of ulcers, including ulcers in the pyloric valve.  That, combined with the artery problems, he was a simultaneous clot risk and bleed risk.  They did an endoscopy and looked down as far as possible.  They did a colonoscopy and looked up as far as possible.  They even did a Swallow the Camera thing in April, but the camera got hung up on the scar tissue in the pyloric valve and ran out of battery before it got to the intestine.  He carried on and bleed out he almost did...HgB down to 5.2 when he got to the ER in Barcelona this summer.

So he got home and they fixed the arteries ...after which he went out for fried chicken and french fries... and then began looking for the intestinal problem.  Got a second opinion GI doctor.  He sent him out to some high-rent facility and today he had a "push-pull procedure" which is like an endoscopy that just keeps going...right on into the small intestine.  (They were looking for the source of the "leak" that kept bleeding out and almost killed him.) 

Well, they pulled their toys out and told him he'd have to schedule a second procedure.  Seems they found the camera.  Stuck in his small intestine since April.

My husband said, "Do they REALLY want to keep looking in there?  Next, they're going to find Jimmy Hoffa and the Mars Land Rover, Spirit."

ANYWAY, this is also to let you know if you are having "unfindable" problems in the gut, that there are advances in looking into the gut and--if you make enough noise--you, too, may get to have some new space age procedure to solve your problems. I just hope you don't have lost car keys or anything.
on 10/20/11 12:18 pm
Wow, just wow.

On the plus side, once he gets the camera out and recovers, you two will be well on your way to having a spectacular room to show guests.  You can show off your band, he can whip out the camera. 
Shoot, you could run a whole medical rental enterprise for the budget minded- Slightly used LapBand, good monthly rates!   Do your own colonoscopy!  
                                      ~  Kim  ~

                             HW - 283        SW - 257.5     Goal - 156
Thanks to all the DS vets who have paid it forward - I <3 you guys!  
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Ms. Cal Culator
on 10/20/11 12:33 pm - Tuvalu

It's my BIL's gut and MY band. Maybe we could do a TOUR, from their house to here.  I previously posted about renting out my band...I think it's a great plan.
Ann M.
on 10/20/11 12:21 pm - GA
Dang. Did the camera not show up on xray or something? Did they not do a follow up to make sure the camera passed (I guess the answer to this is obvious). On another note, I keep losing socks. I'd appreciate it if you would look around. Thanks


-Band to DS revision on 06/21/2011!
Highest known Wt/ Lowest Wt (Banded)/ Regain-Starting Wt/ Current Wt/ Goal Wt
379.6/ 272/ 342/ 169/ South of 200


Ms. Cal Culator
on 10/20/11 12:31 pm - Tuvalu

He's a smart ass, too.  He said they also found D.B. Cooper AND the money.
on 10/20/11 12:23 pm
Ms. CC,

 I can't find my favorite hair barrett, could you ask them to look for it while they are in there?

J/k.... I hope he gets better soon!
When push comes to shove....shove hard!


Never regret anything, because at one time it was exactly what you wanted.

Ms. Cal Culator
on 10/21/11 12:45 am - Tuvalu

You made him laugh.
on 10/21/11 5:39 am
On October 21, 2011 at 7:45 AM Pacific Time, Ms. Cal Culator wrote:

You made him laugh.

I hope we all gave him a good laugh! Maybe he'll get the "healing power of laughter".....not to mention the  getting the reward for finding ole' DB!

Maybe if he laughs hard enough, he'll pop the camera loose!

When push comes to shove....shove hard!


Never regret anything, because at one time it was exactly what you wanted.

(deactivated member)
on 10/20/11 12:32 pm
(Suddenly regretting swallowing all those pieces of bubble gum as a child just to spite my mom who swore they'd get stuck in there. . .)
Ms. Cal Culator
on 10/20/11 12:34 pm - Tuvalu

They have photos.  They can see the thing.  It says "Pill Cam" right on it!  lol  But I think you're okay on the gum..maybe.