Fissure safe foods

on 10/20/11 6:17 am - Atlanta, GA
Yes, I'm on a pro-biotic as well and need to pick up another bottle this afternoon.  Started the acid reducer this morning to.  Today was better.  One thing I did was switch my softening routine.  I had been doing 2 doses of softeners during the day ending with one miralax at night.  I think the sodium doc was turning my stool more watery than actually softening it.  So I switched to Miralax morning and night with one softener dose at midday.  Finished that transition day before yesterday and so yesterday and today have been better.  I think I may be able to eliminate the softener altogether and just use the miralax, but I'll see what happens as I reduce the next couple days.

Once I'm healed, if that day ever comes, I know I'll be taking less but this is what's needed for now.

I did have a theory I want to ask my doctor about.  I have racked my brain the last few weeks trying to figure out what happened that cause the down-turn and why I haven't been able to progress from that point.  My diet hasn't changed, the regimen of treatment hasn't changed, but I realized the worsening issues started about 1 month into my coumadin use.  I wondered if that could cause problems.

I mean, if it can cause a bruise to pop up without injury, I would think an area already injured could bruise as well.  I wonder if that's more of the pain I'm feeling now.  If so, what do I do about it?  Plus the swelling and inflammation is beginning to irritate the fissure over the last few days.  I feel more stinging from it specifically, but my pain doesn't seem to originate with the fissure.

This is all speculation, I know . . . but everyone is so different and I'm not making any progress pain/discomfort wise even though I'm doing everything I should . . . all the same things that were working very well in the beginning and then stopped working for now apparent reason.

I'm rambling . . . sorry.  Anyway, I'm gonna see how I fair with the new regimen including acid reducer and am going to incorporate a little more ice alternately with the heat to combat the possible bruising.

Diva Jojo:   SW:  440lbs -- CW:  274lbs  --  GW:  240lbs

Kayla B.
on 10/20/11 9:51 am - Austin, TX
Do you have PT/INR checked on schedule?  Everything good with your clotting times?  That could totally affect healing if it's inappropriate.  I would bring this up with your coumadin nurse or MD next time you meet.
5'9.5" | HW: 368 | SW: 353 | CW: 155 +/- 5 lbs | Angel to kkanne  
on 10/20/11 11:14 pm - Atlanta, GA
Yes, early on I had it checked every week, then they switched me to each month, but I pushed for every other week.  It's been stable within the range.  The only exception was about 3 weeks ago when it dipped to 1.1.  I had been taking apple cider vinegar for a week and that's the only thing that could have affected it.  They adjusted my dosage of course, but I stopped taking the vinegar.  last check last week was 3.3.  They told me to come back in a month, but I'm going in next Friday at my two week point to check it again.

Yeah, we're definitely going to discuss this as there's got to be something I'm missing.  Each day is different and I'm being so regimented in my treatment, eating and drinking that I cannot determine what is making the difference.  For example, yesterday was a great day.  Had my two bathroom sessions with soak and ointment afterward.  Did apply a little ice after the second because it's normally more painful.  Some pain, but managable by the time I left for work.  LIttle to no discomfort or pain while at work.  It was a great day.  This morning, very different.  More swelling and tightness, so more pain and sitting or standing for more than a few minutes becomes distractingly painful.  I've already been in our breakroom once this morning to lie completely on my side for 10 mintues and it's only 9am.

If I could find some rhyme or reason to it, it would help me manage.  This arbitrary, unknown, day-to-day stuff is driving me nuts.  Today is my second day on the prilosec and it says it can take 1-4 days to begin seeing a difference.  I'll see if there's any improvement.  I'm also considering trying slippery elm.  I've used it as a throat lozenge for almost 20 years because it restores the mucuous membrane and lining irritated by post-nasal drip, etc.  Taken in tea or capsule form (or as an enema which I can't face right now unless absolutely necessary and I have a few days off ), it's supposed to do the same for the intestinal lining, including bowel and rectum.  Haven't started yet, but I'm researching it.  I'll see what the prilosec does first as I'm concerned that incorporating too many things internally will make my insides unhappy.

Diva Jojo:   SW:  440lbs -- CW:  274lbs  --  GW:  240lbs
