Dating after DS...the poop issue.
A slight clarification. The untrue stereotype is that we walk around all stinky... as in obnoxious, unrelenting body odor.
However, the possibility of having unusually stinky poo/gas is very real. Has everything to do with our rearranged insides and malabsorption.
The gas can be a problem for those who are having a gas attack and are trapped in an office for an extended period of time. But, as you point out, this is definitely controllable by watching carbs and learning what foods to avoid.
I go like clock work, too. My Boyf knows that he must get me to a bathroom within 45 minutes of a meal. He accepts it, and sets his watch by it.
If you like a guy enough to have a sleep over, relish in it! Don't sweat the small, or stinky, stuff

"Whatever the cost of our libraries, the price is cheap compared to that of an ignorant nation." - Walter Cronkite
Devrom works for me.
I suggest approaching the issue from several angles. First, yeah, it can really be bad, but everyone's poop stinks, so don't try to make your poop stinkless... maybe aim for around the level of normal stinkiness.
First, start logging what you eat and when to find out exactly which foods cause you the most problems and avoid them.
If you haven't already, start taking probiotics. If they don't seem to help much then try a different formula.
Try different air fresheners, poo pourri or one drop to see which (or combination of) works best for you.
Flushing as you go helps. Striking and burning matches can be pretty effective.
And try some devrom. Never know. It might work for you.
Has anyone tried body mint? t/dp/B000B8WXWY/ref=sr_1_1?s=hpc&ie=UTF8&qid=1319066161&sr=1 -1
It's really just chloraphil, and I know others make it cheaper.
I haven't had it post surgery, but I had it years ago pre-surgery and it made EVERYTHING smell good that came out of me.