need some reassurance for hubby
Ah to lose 15lbs in 2wks! the light outside your cage is shining bright, run for it;)!!!
Revision to DS 11/9/11 LapBand 12/2006
SW 321/ CW 248/ GW 185 SW 330/ HW 348/ LW 300
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on 10/18/11 10:15 am
You're in good hands with your surgeon, and you know the mistake Stephanie made. Of course there's no guarantee, but there's risk in what we do every day - driving to work, etc. There's also a big risk in remaining morbidly obese, but since that kills us over time it somehow seems an acceptable risk. Having the DS puts the worry on a specific time, date, and place of your surgery so it's hard not to focus on that - but remember what you are doing has far better odds of even doing nothing and staying obese.
BTW, your surgery date is exactly two years after mine. It will be fun to watch your progress, just you wait until next summer!!!
My hubs can be a little emotional but thank goodness i am strong! And i can talk him in circles, which always helps to make him think it was his good idea to begin with...hehe
The "everyday" stuff and "specific time, date and place" has really helped to put it in perspective for me. Ive always thought that when its your time to go, its your time to go. So i will fight this MO with all ive got and hopefully i will come out the champ on the Dark Side bench (corny but i couldnt help it!)
I heart you, Joanne!
Revision to DS 11/9/11 LapBand 12/2006
SW 321/ CW 248/ GW 185 SW 330/ HW 348/ LW 300
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on 10/18/11 10:27 pm
You're going to do great, and I'm going to have so much fun to watch you, remembering the milestones I had at different times of the year.
For example, Thanksgiving is going to be a wash for you this year, so be prepared. I think I had a few bites of mashed potatoes and a tiny piece of turkey breast. and went back to bed.
You're going to do great,
I don't have any words of advice, just wanted to let you know I'm in the same boat with you. My hubby is so worried that I won't make it thru surgery. I'm perfectly healthy except I have diabetes. My heart is very healthy (had a heart cath to make sure), healthy lungs, etc.
I've been under anesthesia 2 times (didn't like it) but made it through. I don't know how to reassure hubby except telling him it will be ok. I'm not nervous.....yet, but I probably will end up with some nerves freaking out. I have been approved by insurance but am still waiting on the office to schedule surgery. I'm sure all this "hurry up and wait" stuff is making hubby more nervous than he would normally be.
Anyway, I just wanted to let you know you weren't alone. Good luck to you and swinging all 12 critters for you!
Thanks for creating a fur storm with all the critter swinging! :) I have 3 i will swing for you!
Revision to DS 11/9/11 LapBand 12/2006
SW 321/ CW 248/ GW 185 SW 330/ HW 348/ LW 300
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This is my inspiration printout I made...¤t=inspire01.jpg
I hope it helps!
We sound very similar! Yes, my weight affects my lifestyle. Yes, i cant do everything i want. Yes, i have continuous back pain that ive had for so long i dont even notice sometimes how much its hurting:(
And Yes, ive made myself a mental list of all the things i want to do after. We are actually planning a big vaca this summer and i cant wait to fit comfortably in a airplane seat:)
I think i will do as you said tho and WRITE a list. Hubs will definitely need something to refer to when the going gets tough:)
This is a great idea! Thank you
ETA: i couldnt get your photobucket to come up:(
Revision to DS 11/9/11 LapBand 12/2006
SW 321/ CW 248/ GW 185 SW 330/ HW 348/ LW 300
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If life with your band sucks, you are not alone and it's not your fault. Check out the failed lap band group!

The odds of you dying in surgery are very small...even compared to just getting in the car! If he is anything like my guy he won't relax until you are out of surgery and on the road to recovery. You are in good hands with Dr Smith..I have heard awesome things about him!
Good luck