Gallbladder Removal & Vit B1 defficiency - Spacey ??
Hello everyone -it's been what seems like a million years since I've posted to this board but I'm struggling and could use some input from others in my shoes! I had my BPDS in May 2006 - NY Pres - Weill Cornell. Best thing I've ever done - but now - 5 years Post Op - I just had my gallbladder removed last month and discovered that I have a significant B1 defficiency that required a series of 2 shots - and since my surgery and the shots - I feel sooo spacey....not myself. I have some reduced levels of iron and vit d3 but I'm working getting these back up - nothing dangerous but still something I need to "up" - and I am. All this said - I just don't know why I am so spacey....I feel like I'm stoned and I can't stand it!! Has anyone had this issue? Any words of wisdom you could share for my consideration? I've emailed my nutritionist and still waiting on a reply but I thought I'd try and get some feedback from those that are in my same shoes....thanks to all in advance for your input.
Thank you Gail for the suggestion - I heard back from my nutritionist and she said that the B1 shots "could be" responsible for me feeling this way - I am going to repeat my bloods on Wednesday and see what's going on since my last round....I'm optomistic that they'll tell the whole story! Thanks again for your input. Have a great day and best of luck to you on your journey!