Dpes anybody know if Medicare covers DS surgery?
I'm on tenncare in Tennessee, which is basically medicaid as it's based on income and resources, and they cover it. If you have medicare and medicaid, then medicaid pays for what medicare won't--around here anyway, and I believe GA does also. My sister has medicare and they're taking care of her surgery. My medicare hasn't kidked in yet.
Ohhh I'm way past "think" mode! I'm on the last month of my 6 mo diet thing and am currently trying to locate pics or ANYTHING from 2007 that documents my weight. I have to mail that off, send in this last diet thing after my docs appt next week, and then I guess they submit to the insurance. I've got ever co morbid they can have, so don't know how that will be a problem....LOL But who knows with tenncare? The docs don't seem to think there will be any trouble at all. My biggest hurdle that I'm still trying to work on is the smoking. I'm wayyy down to about five cigs a day from 3 pks per day and plan to completely stop by this weekend. God help my family!

I just had a consultation with a surgeon yesterday to see about having my RNY revised to a DS. The surgery schedule lady got a copy of the Medicare requirements to go over with me. The DS and RNY are covered by Medicare, but not the sleeve gastrectomy or band.
-BMI of 35 or greater
-have one or more comorbidities associated with obesity
-documented records showing unsuccessful attempts at weight loss
-surgery has to take place at a designated Medicare Center of Excellence
-BMI of 35 or greater
-have one or more comorbidities associated with obesity
-documented records showing unsuccessful attempts at weight loss
-surgery has to take place at a designated Medicare Center of Excellence
My signature is in the witness protection program