Strange new "addiction"

on 10/9/11 1:04 am - Somerset, KY

I got my ads and seen the words, 3 day MEAT sale!!!!!!!! LOL

I got $235 worth of groceries!!! 12lbs of burger, 15lbs of chicken, 8lbs of ribeye, whole pork loin sliced 1/4 inch thick( 50 slices), 2 big bags of shrimp, 2 bads of catfish, cheeses, 6 dozen eggs at 1.29 a dozen and then some!!

My car was loaded down. So glad we have a freezer in the garage!! My husband calls me the ziploc queen because I divide everything into serving sizes and freeze!

I love to cook!!

Last night I had a delish ribeye and deviled eggs!!!!! YUM YUM!! I gotta stay out of the grocery for a while!! My fridge can't handle any more food!!



 tazmaddy34 is my HW/SW/CW/GW 346/335/183/150   5'4.25"



Fo' Shizzle My Sizzle
on 10/10/11 4:24 am
Your shopping list is a carnivore's dream
For great WLS info join me here and here

"Just Elizabeth "
on 10/9/11 1:04 am - Houston, TX
We don't even go to the meat section at Wal Mart any more for this very reason. My sister found a wonderful butcher and that's where we get all of our meat.

Back in the U.S.A.

"I have lost the lumbering hulk that I once was.  I don't hide behind my clothes or behind my door.  I am part of life's rich tapestry not an observer."  Kirmy


Fo' Shizzle My Sizzle
on 10/9/11 5:15 am
Count me in, too!

Mom graduated from Escoffier, and she showed me how to cook growing up. You can imagine what kind of meals she whipped up! Whenever we went grocery shopping she'd show me how to pick out the freshest veggies, meats and fish and we'd look through the ethnic food sections. So grocery shopping was always a lot of fun and I still love doing that now.

Pre-op I was always doing a lot of low-fat, veggie and carb loaded shopping. Now my shopping list is reversed, lots of meats fats and cheese! I miss my veggies, but I'm sneaking them in my doing stir-frys now. I've been doing a lot of my grocery shopping in Chinatown lately, I can spend hours looking around, sadly I'm limited by how much I can carry to my apartment.
For great WLS info join me here and here

Mike A.
on 10/10/11 3:27 am - Independence, MO
It's worse when we go to Sam's club. We buy sliced cheese by the carton

HW 452/SW 428/ CW 188/GW 190
