Didn't steer clear of the staph
I'm really upset with the school because I feel that as soon as they knew someone had staph the kid should have been sidelined until cleared by a doctor but they didn't even talk to a doctor or the health dept to see what should be done. Now there are over a dozen, diagnosed, cases of staph on the team and those are just the ones whose parents have actually taken them to see a doctor.
Do you think it's crazy of me to feel like the school is partially responsible for this situation and if I have to end up with a $28,000 bill that they should in some way help? My boys think it's crazy but the rest of my family think I'm right. The school didn't even tell the parents there was an outbrea****il about 9 children had been diagnosed. The letter actually said that there is no harm in staph to the boys, which is fine but what about the families they are bringing it home to?
Just completely frustrated!
You should call your county health department and find out what the mandated reporting policy is. Is it MRSA? There are probably different reporting requirements for MRSA vs. "regular" staph infections.
Here is one such policy: http://www.acps.k12.va.us/student-services/health/mrsa-guide lines.pdf
As for the school being responsible for your infection? Depends on whether there was a stated policy and whether they violated it. And even then, you may not be able to prove that they are liable.
Have you looked at your insurance policy in detail? I certainly did, before I had reconstructive surgery that was not covered by insurance - I made sure I had coverage for complications of that surgery AND I had supplemental insurance provided by my plastic surgeon.
You KNEW you were taking a risk - I hope you were prepared for the consequences if there was a complication.
on 9/30/11 4:10 pm
It reminds me of when I twisted my foot on a curb and broke one of the long bones. Every time I submitted a claim, my insurance tried to find out if anyone else was responsible. I think they'll say to get your bills paid by the school yet the school has already proven itself to be full of irresponsible idiots. I truly hope that you get some help with the medical bills, but if it were me, I would not hold my breath. I hope I'm not discouraging you from pursuing some help. I'm just trying to be realistic in case you don't get any. Good luck!
"Our ultimate freedom is the right and power to decide how anybody or anything outside ourselves will affect us." Stephen Covey
Don't litter! Spay or neuter your pet
And who is "the school", exactly? Is it the coach? I feel like if the coach did indeed know about the staph infection, it was his responsibility to sideline that kid, BUT even more I believe that the kid's parents should have taken on that responsibility.
If you go after "the school" (i.e. the school board), you may be taking money away from wherever can spare it, maybe the art program, or perhaps the extra playground monitor at the elementary school. OTOH, I can't even imagine facing those kinds of bills. I don't have an answer for you, I'm just sayin' it's something to think about...