My addiction transfer story : Hard Drugs
Bless your heart doll.....I know posting that was hard for you. I came from a very very strict (think the strictest say....Church of can think of, and quadruple it...breathing was almost a sin!) three times a week, chapel every morning before school, and bible classes with my school work. I never seen a drug, wouldn't have known one if it had bit me on the ass, growing up.
I had three children....they were all GREAT kids, well behaved, loving, went to bed on time....very easy to deal with. I guess God was cutting me a break for what was to come. All three of my teens, became addicted to crack. I watched it tear them apart (once I figured out just WHY the tv antennae kept getting shorter...), watched as both of my sons were locked up in jail for drugs, and chased my 13 year old daughter through every crack house in town. There's a BIG reason I have alot of mental meds now...LOL
All of us face things that are bigger than we are, and sometimes life just has to ***** slap us to get us to realize what road we're headed down. One of the things I've my eldest son that addicts UNDERESTIMATE the power that whatever drug hold over them. My eldest son's plan was to get out of jail and SELL crack. Did I mention he was blond? Needless to say, he's right back where he jail. Get to a mental health up front with them about the addiction. There are meds that help with the cravings etc. Just don't fall into the trap of taking a pill that you end up addicted to, that was supposed to HELP your addiction. Some of these docs need to be horsewhipped for creating some cross addictions. You'll be in my thoughts and prayers!
I had three children....they were all GREAT kids, well behaved, loving, went to bed on time....very easy to deal with. I guess God was cutting me a break for what was to come. All three of my teens, became addicted to crack. I watched it tear them apart (once I figured out just WHY the tv antennae kept getting shorter...), watched as both of my sons were locked up in jail for drugs, and chased my 13 year old daughter through every crack house in town. There's a BIG reason I have alot of mental meds now...LOL
All of us face things that are bigger than we are, and sometimes life just has to ***** slap us to get us to realize what road we're headed down. One of the things I've my eldest son that addicts UNDERESTIMATE the power that whatever drug hold over them. My eldest son's plan was to get out of jail and SELL crack. Did I mention he was blond? Needless to say, he's right back where he jail. Get to a mental health up front with them about the addiction. There are meds that help with the cravings etc. Just don't fall into the trap of taking a pill that you end up addicted to, that was supposed to HELP your addiction. Some of these docs need to be horsewhipped for creating some cross addictions. You'll be in my thoughts and prayers!
You don't know how much I admire you for posting this. I know that wasn't easy for you to do. I have drug and alcohol addiction on both sides of my family. Thankfully I have never fell victim. PM if you ever need a shoulder.

Nothing feels better than being able to go into ANY store and fit their clothes!