Why do "friends" say such sh*tty things?

on 9/23/11 12:12 am - Land of Oz, KS
DS on 04/20/12

* LIKE * !


Starting Stats: Ht: 5' 0" HW: 242 ~ SW: 229.9 ~ CW: 117 ~ Goal: 124.9 ("normal" BMI)
% EWL @ 03 months: 36%             % EWL
 @ 09 months: 80%
% EWL @ 06 months: 63%             % EWL @ 12 months + 2 weeks: 100%

(deactivated member)
on 9/22/11 10:11 pm - Newnan, GA
VSG on 05/04/09 with

Because people are human and have an AMAZING ability to shove their foot in their mouth, EVEN when their head is firmly planted up their ass.

Its as good an answer as any.  :} 

Twyla S.
on 9/22/11 10:29 pm - Chattanooga, TN
 Some people are just evil, clear through to the bone.   "You can't fix stupid" is one of my favorite sayings of all time.  I'd add that you can't argue with stupid either.  Kick her to the curb.  When I had my daughter, the doc offered me a spinal, and my mom in law went nuts.  Told me it would make me crazy, give me severe migraines, etc......When I asked the doc why people thought this, he laughed.  He said it was one of those "old wives tales" that was ranked right up there with women being "mentally delicate" when they went through the change.  I had the spinal, easiest thing I ever done, better by far than the epidural.  Seems like the south is slower to advance than other parts of the country....nothing against us southerners, but we have a habit of doing everything slow.....LOL  Be happy with your new life, and let her wallow in her own miserable existence!
on 9/22/11 11:24 pm - Warner Robins, GA
you obviously have something she wants desperately.  whether its your loving ways,  a great family, financial status, total supportive network of friends, etc.  it is so transparent she is jealous of you.  "f" her.  write her off and continue with your life.
most people know a buffoon when they hear one, and most likely everyone else thinks she is full of hot air.
killing yourself cuz of wls??  wtf.   i really did get a chuckle out of that statement. now i think i've heard it all.



Noreen  HW 352 / SW 324 / CW 175/ LW/ 148 / GW 150   (achieved Aug 14 '11)



on 9/22/11 11:41 pm - Atlanta, GA
Stupidity is an equal opportunity entity.  It can strike anyone occasionally, but some have a severe, chronic infection that the best medicine can't help.  Forget her and concentrate on yourself and your brother.  Let her prepare for your death if she wants to, you just prepare for your life and enjoy each and every day of it.

Diva Jojo:   SW:  440lbs -- CW:  274lbs  --  GW:  240lbs

on 9/23/11 5:02 am
There is a word I've seen around here -

I think it suits this woman.
Get as far away from this toxic woman as possible and enjoy knowing that your success probably annoys the snot out of her. She will have a long, long time to wait for you to die /kill yourself - as they say living well (and longer) is the best revenge.
If you happen to run into her again in say 10 years, while you are still healthy and happy and she is an even more dried up, unhappy TW, remind her of her prediction.
Now go forth and enjoy your life to the fullest!
on 9/23/11 6:34 am - Clermont, FL
This woman is a complete ****! She really should know better than to talk about suicide in such a cavalier fashion. I lost my husband to suicide and this kind of attitude is not helpful to the loved one's left behind.

You hit the nail on the head when you said this woman called you fat all through high school....she is absolutely terrified that you WILL succeed honey....then who is going to be her emotional punchbag...she is clearly angry and unhappy about her own **** but it's easier to project all that fear, resentment and anger on to you, then she dosnt ever really have to deal.....
The best thing you can do is to extricate yourself from this woman, she's plain toxic and it is not in your interests to be around her.
I would pay good money to see her face a year from now, 5 years from now etc when you are walking around, slim, healthy and confident and she is as miserable and emotionally bankrupt as ever.

Much love to you honey, it's time to move on.......and remember this is her problem not your's, give it back to her and give yourself permission to move on.

Yorkie x

Had a band in 2005 at 280lbs, had band removed and DS done on Jan 22nd 08 at 220lbs in Spain, now 135lbs and a size 4!! Happy as a Clam!!Dontcha love the DS? It's the best tool around!!                


on 9/23/11 6:42 am - Washington, KS
Thanks for the great advise and kind words everyone. 

I saw her today and I realized for the first time that she's heavier than she's ever been in the past and she looked very uncomfortable with herself.  I thought it would make me feel good but I actually feel badly for her.  I hope she finds what she needs in life to make her happy but beating me up won't be it anymore.

I'm ready to let my inner diva shine (she's been waiting a long, long time)!  
on 9/23/11 8:13 am - Provo, UT
You Said It!
               Recovering from the Duodenal Switch~
                HW - 495 / CW - 382 / GW - 175    Joanne B. is my Angel 
on 9/23/11 9:10 am - Jackson, MI
Great words of advice from everyone!  

I even had a few members of my very limited family say horrible things to me when they learned I was looking into weight loss surgery.  Now that I have the DS, I still get nagative remarks from them.  I try to avoid "toxic" people as much as possible...but it's hard to eliminate my in-laws.  At least your "frienemy"  is someone you can remove from your life easily.  Remember some people are just ignorant.  
Winning isn't everything, but wanting to win is.  
highest weight 313/ surgery 255 / current 185 / goal 135  Height 5'6"