OT....Pathology report back and my ramblings
Congratulations on your news.....
.be sure to keep your calcum and magnesium monitored closely..I had an Aunt that had a terrible time with her levels post thyroid removal..so timing of both your thyroid hormone and your other suppliments are critical to your continued health. Just remember that you are worth all the efffort it takes to get and keep yourself healthy.
.When I was on thyroid replacement, before wls, I took it in the morning,(before 9am) as I lost weight, my need reduced because of the massive wt loss in a short time.
.be sure to keep your calcum and magnesium monitored closely..I had an Aunt that had a terrible time with her levels post thyroid removal..so timing of both your thyroid hormone and your other suppliments are critical to your continued health. Just remember that you are worth all the efffort it takes to get and keep yourself healthy.
.When I was on thyroid replacement, before wls, I took it in the morning,(before 9am) as I lost weight, my need reduced because of the massive wt loss in a short time.