Ok, Sell Us Your Non-Vetted Surgeon
On September 9, 2011 at 7:29 PM Pacific Time, Sher Bear Mama wrote:
I convinced him to do the DS (with a little help from a faerie). We don't have a date yet since I'm with Kaiser and have to finish classes before getting the DS. But I can tell you that what I found was that I was confident, knew exactly what I was getting myself into, and said that I KNEW this surgery wasn't for everyone. I also deferred to him a lot and asked his opinion quite a bit. I liked him a lot and feel really confident in his skills. As Bookfaerie said, he's the guy you want to go to if you are having any problems with your guts--he'll put ya right back together again. Sher-
p.s. I don't think he embraces the DS because I think he's worried that the patient doesn't really get what they're going into. He knows that Kaiser doesn't have any support for a DS patient and therfore, is of no help to those of us getting surgery. This may be why he doesn't "embrace" it as you said. Seriously, there seems to be no one in Kaiser to give ANY sort of advice about this procedure or the aftercare. So Belzberg wanted to know where I was getting my help.
I think a greater track record of successful DS patients would be in order before vetting.
But, I'm no where near screaming at you to not risk your life in his hands.

At your next appointment, ask him how he would feel about us referring DS patients to him on a regular basis. I'm curious what he'd say.

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DS SW 265 CW 120 5'7"
I think he'd say that if they were Kaiser patients, he'd take it on a case-by-case basis. Doing the DS could be something he has to defend to the organization because of the risks in the after care. Not sure, but it's possible. At this point Kaiser won't pay for any other surgeon to do the DS. He's the only one there and if you've got a problem, then you can appeal to the DMHC. My guess is that the DMHC will not rule against Kaiser on this one since the surgeon has been doing surgery for so many years and is successful and well-respected. I'm not sure if I would have picked him if I'd had more choices, but after meeting him, learning of his surgical history, and talking extensively with Bookfaerie, I KNOW he's the right one to do this. Maybe he'll be considered vetted once he has done this for a few more years. However, from my experience with him I get the feeling that he woudln't care one way or another if he was considered "vetted". He just seems to want to do the right thing. Am I right on this one Bookfaerie?
Great discussion! I'm enjoying this thread!
Great discussion! I'm enjoying this thread!
Sher--the bear mama
On September 9, 2011 at 7:53 PM Pacific Time, Sher Bear Mama wrote:
I think he'd say that if they were Kaiser patients, he'd take it on a case-by-case basis. Doing the DS could be something he has to defend to the organization because of the risks in the after care. Not sure, but it's possible. At this point Kaiser won't pay for any other surgeon to do the DS. He's the only one there and if you've got a problem, then you can appeal to the DMHC. My guess is that the DMHC will not rule against Kaiser on this one since the surgeon has been doing surgery for so many years and is successful and well-respected. I'm not sure if I would have picked him if I'd had more choices, but after meeting him, learning of his surgical history, and talking extensively with Bookfaerie, I KNOW he's the right one to do this. Maybe he'll be considered vetted once he has done this for a few more years. However, from my experience with him I get the feeling that he woudln't care one way or another if he was considered "vetted". He just seems to want to do the right thing. Am I right on this one Bookfaerie?Great discussion! I'm enjoying this thread!
The hope would be that he would see the positive results and embrace the DS.

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DS SW 265 CW 120 5'7"
Yeah, I'm a Pomp-ster. I'm sold on Dr. Alfons Pomp. The man is brilliant, he's compassionate, and he's a wonderful listener and proactive about health. He studied with Gagner, and is head of laproscopic surgery at Cornell, so he knows WAY more than just WLS. Besides his wonderful bedside manner, he's very skilled with the DS, and understands the risks associated. First appointment with him, he smacked me with all the con's, so he's not a salesman.
I heart the man.
I heart the man.
In summary:
For those truly indecisive about whether to get the VSG or the DS, they can roll the dice with Pomp and wake up with one or the other.
And we have a talented surgeon who doesn't want to do the DS, but will if you twist his arm.
It is a shame. I would love it if we could add more surgeons to the list.
For those truly indecisive about whether to get the VSG or the DS, they can roll the dice with Pomp and wake up with one or the other.
And we have a talented surgeon who doesn't want to do the DS, but will if you twist his arm.
It is a shame. I would love it if we could add more surgeons to the list.

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DS SW 265 CW 120 5'7"