3 year surgiversary and dr appts

(deactivated member)
on 8/31/11 10:38 am - Lafayette, IN
i saw dr inmans pa on the 22nd and it went pretty much as i expected it to. i have lost over 190# and i dont have to fight to keep it off. i still fight heartburn almost every day and NO ONE knows what to do about it. i have found that eating every 2 hours helps some. the dietician pretty much told me that i am poisoning myself by taking 15,000 iu of d every day. my labs showed my d was 50.2 on 10,000iu a day. my protein was low but noone seemed to care. i am still not recovered from my panniculectomy on july 5th. dr inmans pa said i probably have a pulled muscle in my upper abdomen from trying to over compensate since i didnt have a binder but she didnt feel comfortable treating it. she did say that she could "feel" anything wrong like a hernia. i cant eat most raw vegetables and milk would be the death of me without a digestive supplement. i am currently having a few new health issues that i dont know whether or not they are surgery related. i will be seeing my primary on friday and it is bound to be a lengthy appt. i will post my labs within the next few days and may post pics if i get brave.
on 8/31/11 12:18 pm - AL
What kind of D are you taking to only take 15k?  Most of us take 100k or 150k of Dry D.

Sorry for your heartburn and other problems.  Congrats on your weight loss success!  Pictures please!!!


on 8/31/11 9:42 pm - Somerset, KY
190lbs is awesome! Congrats!

I really hope you start feeling better soon! HUGS



 tazmaddy34 is my HW/SW/CW/GW 346/335/183/150   5'4.25"


