God hates America!

Elizabeth N.
on 8/26/11 8:03 am - Burlington County, NJ
Oh dear. I wish you'd evacuate *worrying*.

I'm over an hour inland, and well away from any flash flood options (well, except for the street in front of my house, but there's a downhill side street on the other side), so I've just freshened the batteries, checked the candle supplies and filled some water jugs. Chances are we won't even lose power, but hey, with all the ruckus, I figured I might as well listen for a minute.

on 8/26/11 10:34 am
Yikes, be careful. 

Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05

 9 years committed ~  100% EWL and Maintaining



on 8/26/11 6:39 am - Green Bay, WI
Kirmy, you always crack me up! A swirling anus! That's such an accurate depiction if you're looking at it from above! And after it moves through, everything's going to go down the toilet anyway!

on 8/26/11 7:55 am - BF-Nowhere, United Kingdom
.....it is a evil big jobbie..............

RIP Mickie aka Happychick.  You will be missed deeply.
(deactivated member)
on 8/26/11 6:59 am - San Jose, CA

Earthquakes, hurricanes - can boils and locusts be far behind??

I will happily offer up my firstborn son as a sacrifice, if necessary - he's ******g me off again.

(deactivated member)
on 8/26/11 7:14 am
We had waterspouts here earlier this week in addition to the hurricane and earthquakes. Just waiting on the horsemen to show up.....
on 8/26/11 8:01 am - BF-Nowhere, United Kingdom
The Gods only want New York...the rest..meh!

Locusts have been killed by Monsanto instead you get Republican politicians picking the flesh from America's bones instead.   Nom nom nom more for the rich...nom nom nom...eat the poor!

RIP Mickie aka Happychick.  You will be missed deeply.
on 8/26/11 8:20 am - VA

lol  I saw the title of your post and thought well hell, he's just going to have to get in line, who doesn't hate us...we even hate us. It's been interesting here in Washington lately. 



5'1" -- HW 195/SW 187/GW 115 July 08/CW 121 Dec 2012

Starting BMI between 35 and 40ish? 
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DS on Aug 9, 2007 with Dr. Hazem Elariny

on 8/26/11 8:28 am - BF-Nowhere, United Kingdom
LOL... you're a charming bunch of rogues once ya get to know you.

RIP Mickie aka Happychick.  You will be missed deeply.
(deactivated member)
on 8/26/11 8:43 am, edited 8/26/11 8:43 am - Santa Cruz, CA
Since I'm now living on a barrier peninsula on the Florida Panhandle (Pensacola), I watch
hurricane tracks closely.  Fortunately, this one is far enough away that we'll probably just
get a lot of residual rain.  In event of a direct hit, this place is underwater during storm surges.

BRRRR--I miss Santa Cruz more and more everyday.

PS--Who is Harold Camping and why is this all his fault??  sorry to be ignorant.

PPS--have you been able to stabilize your weight???? Any more unexpected loss???